Chapter 2: Love

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What we have concluded is that certain things, such as love, are meant to be discarded. We have already provided the terms to match your spouse. - The Book of  Well-Being

Love. This four letter word can supposedly change lives. Crazy, right? That night there was this feeling inside that I couldn't shake, and I couldn't stop thinking about him. It felt vague and familiar, but I know i've never fallen in love. Right? It's like this feeling was controlling everything I do. Soon enough, it's time for dinner.

"Anna, come down for dinner," mom yells. "Oh, and we have a special guest!"

Probably another match for me, I thought. I have been having lots of matches lately, due to my junior year of high school, but this time I was wrong.There was a man, back to me, with light brown hair, streaked with blond. Suddenly, I dreadfully yet joyfully realized it was the boy from the beach!

"This is Neal Parker, he is the new babysitter for your brothers," mom declared. "Neal, meet Anna."

"Anna, so nice to meet you," Neal acclaimed. He has a lower voice than I thought, gentle but powerful, urging you to smile. I was breathless at the site of him. I wanted to feel his amazing jawline and stroke his soft hair. I managed to croak out, "Good day, Neal!" and quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed. "Good day?" How stupid can I get. I don't know why I feet so stupid. I guess his approval means so much to me.

The whole dinner I barely eat a bite and I'm as quiet as a mouse. Of course my brothers are fighting the whole dinner and talking about boyish stuff like Star Wars, so it took the attention off from me. Though I could still feel Neal's eyes staring at me. I wanted to look at his amazing complexion, but something
was holding me back. I keep on telling myself, you're not supposed to feel this, so stop and be normal again, but I couldn't. I know it's wrong but I don't once try to fight it. I guess a part of me, the part that is urging me to kiss him, tells me otherwise.

Later that night Neal had to leave. I was happy, but mad because I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to hug me and let me place my head on top of his muscular chest. We shook hands and said goodbye. His hand was warm and inviting and his smile was like the sun on a rainy day. All of a sudden, he winked at me. Filled with surprise, I said my goodbye and ran back to my room.

I kept on seeing him everywhere I went. At the grocery store, soccer practice, the beach. Not to mention at my own house! Was he following me? I mean why would he like a girl like me? Long blonde hair and dull brown eyes? Not to mention a stubborn personality. Although I do have pretty good muscles from practicing endless drills at soccer, but still: why me?

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