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So once in my Intro to Art class, this extremely attractive guy asked if he could borrow my earphones which were on the floor next to me (my friend and I were seated on the ground since most chairs were either painted, broken, or holding pottery.) Anyways, naturally I said "yea, sure" because 1. He asked politely 2. I wasn't using them and three, as I mentioned 3. He's pretty hot.

So my friend and I decided to casually "observe" him, to whatever extent you can casually stare at a person shamelessly.

He plugged in the earphones to his phone and proceeded in watching whatever he was watching. While we were on the floor (my friend&I) being over analyzing losers narrating his actions.

Now I'm not going to specify who said what, because both dialogues are pretty stupid, no need for specifics.

"He exhales slowly, chest rising and falling in that chronological movement."

"He leans back, tilts his head then... Cracks his neck! Ooh that is so smooth."

"He stretches out his arms, his lips apart, brown eyes starring intimately at the screen."

"Oh shit, he's watching porn!"

"... I'm sorry, bitch, what? How the heck would you know?"

"Look at the lust in his eyes, the ways he licks his lips, the uneasiness! He's gonna adjust his collar."

And low and behold, the fine arsed bloke adjusted his collar, undoing the first button.

I just wanted to write this as my 4:09am thought.

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