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If you know me personally, then you probably know that I am a HUGE The Perks of Being a Wallflower (TPOBAW) fan. The book and movie are my life!

One of my most favorite parts in the TPOBAW is when Sam chides Charlie for not expressing himself. I absolutely believe in self expression, and when you kind of contemplate on what Sam says to Charlie, it really makes you think.

People think way to often, but when you hear what Sam (whose character is justified by the portrayal of my queen, Emma Watson) has to say about crushes, and being liked, and really liking someone; it changed my idea on liking people.

I'm going to try to roughly explain what I've decided about affections based on what Sam said:

Charlie admitted to Sam that he likes her, but she says she doesn't want that because she's dating Brad. So Charlie settles with toning down his display of affections for her, and simply remains friends with her, despite basically liking her so much. Much later on, when Brad dumps Sam, and she and Charlie are together in her room, she tells him that he's a jerk for hurting himself like that, and not being true to his feelings etc.

• If someone (miraculously) ever has a crush on me, I'd want him to tell me. Because I want to know that someone likes me, and I'd love to know why they do & stuff (not to be a self-righteous b-tch and all, but just to know why someone would like me... at all)
• I don't want to just be somebody's crush (not likely to be anybody's crush anyways, but a girl can dream right?) Because when someone has a crush on you, they don't exactly do anything about it. They're hiding that in and not letting you know, so you can't feel it.
If someone ever claims to like me, I want them to show me that. Then I'll decide from there. When you're hiding it behind petty little crushes, you're not expressing yourself. Chances are you're little crush would like you back.

I know it seems solely beneficial when a person would want this, but sometimes, I can't even find reasons to like myself. People sometimes tell me that a certain guy has a crush on me or whatever, but usually all that ever happens is the guy they pertain to smiles and awkwardly shifts around my path avoiding contact with me. That leaves me feeling more terrifying than attractive. And sure, chances are you get humiliated, and rejected... So? At least you've made someone aware that they are admired simply for being them.

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