i < your charm

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Stop smiling at me when we accidentally make eye contact, because that just gives me more of a reason to believe you're one of this earth's treasures.

Stop asking if I'm okay when I'm quiet, I'm trying to go unnoticed. Stop noticing that, and trying to make me feel welcomed.

Stop gesturing for a hug, you know very well how much I like that, the idea of feeling secured in the embrace of your long wingspan.

Stop touching my arm, or hand, or fingers, or cheek - heck, don't touch my skin. You obviously got no clue that you leave indents, wherever you brush your hands, that can't be seen.

Stop winking at me while you're combing your curly locks, I end up wanting to play with your hair.

Stop greeting me, and making me feel special, I'm telling you it's not going to work.

All this sorcery that you're trying to pull off, you've done before. I'm not falling for you again. Because you do all that to other girls as well.

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