comfort zones

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I do not believe that in order for you to find your true self, you have to be bare, and vulnerable, and exposed. Is it really necessary to be plucked from a place your use to, disposed in some foreign atmosphere, and pushed to your breaking point in order to discover who you really are?

For me, comfort zones are not hideaways, or places to escape to - those are storm cellars. It is not some shield that is suppose to protect you from reality. Comfort zones is where you can be who are. It's where you're comfortable.

My Family and Consumers Science (FCS) teacher described comfort zones as a vice. Woman, what's so wrong with feeling at ease and okay? What's wrong with having a safe haven? What's wrong with choosing to stay where you are, because you're happy there? Comfort zones are not cages where "the real you" is trapped, it's more like a space where you can be yourself, and not feel obligated to stiffen up and act a certain way.

My comfort zones are not actual physical places, they are in people. The company I keep is where I can feel at ease. I know it is not the best choice to find comfort in the presence of certain people, because people leave, every one of them can leave. One day, I will probably leave too. But, they are with me at the moment, and I can be myself with them, they are my comfort zones. We can be anywhere, as long as I'm with them, I'm chill.

Some people choose libraries or quiet parks as their comfort zones, and that's understandable. I love the library, but when I'm there alone, I get nervous from the stares of strangers, and every second glance I'm given is a potential threat. I watch too much movies. But, the thought that my persons are just a phone call away relaxes me a bit.

I know that one day, I'll have to be use to being alone. And maybe, the old FCS hag is right, I'll have to break out, or away in my case, from my comfort zones, and that's great. But, for now, I still think that having a place you know you can go to, or a person that you can be with anywhere, that will make you okay, is okay.

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