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Let me tell you guys about Robin. Now, the name Robin is unisex, but in this case, Robin is a girl. I should've told you guys about Robin earlier, cause she's important to me.

Anyways, as I was saying, Robin. Robin is a smart, confident, flirtatious, slightly cocky girl. Okay, maybe she's a lot cocky. But, anyways, she has her shit in the bag. She knows what she wants, she's so sure.

Robin... She believed in herself, because there was a guy that believed in her. Robin was given the name Robin by that guy, she has no idea why. But, Robin is what he called her.

And whenever he called her Robin, she felt little flutters in her stomach, but he didn't make her stutter. He made her believe in herself a lot more than she thought she could.

Robin didn't need him though, because that was her. She didn't need him to tell her that's she's smart, or confident. She didn't need him to be flirty.... Okay, maybe she did. But, she didn't really need this guy.

It was all her, she just never realized these things til he pointed it out. But, any other guy could've pointed those things out, because that was her.

Robin needs to remember that. Robin, I want you to know that. Robin, you don't need him.

That guy is long gone now, and that's alright. Because, she's still Robin. He didn't mold her, or create her. Sure he did rename her, and took the blindfolds off her confidence, and taught her to be sure about herself. So, even without him, she's still Robin.

Sure if he hadn't given her the name, she wouldn't have been Robin, she could've been Sally or Stiletto (?), but it wouldn't have mattered because everything Robin is, is her.

Everything he told you you were, is all you, Robin. Please don't lose that self-assurance. You're okay, regardless if he's there or not. You're still wowing, Robin. You'll be fine, Robin.

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