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Chapter One-Problems

"You got in?" Mom and Dad both yelled excitedly at the same time, Mom immediately hugged me.

"My baby boy…" she sniffed, "…going to Hollywood Arts"

I wriggled away from her, rubbing my neck awkwardly, "Yeah, yeah. It's not that big a deal"

"It is too!" Mom replied, a little childishly, she always got so happy for me over the slightest achievement, "Loads of kids from that school go onto be big stars!" her eyes were shining.

"Doubt I'll be one of those lucky ones" I replied, folding my arms, "I'm going to go play X Box" I shuffled back into my room.

I practically live in my room now.

Mom and Dad…they can tell I'm a loser. From the friends I bring over sometimes.

We all go to Science Club together.

They go because they enjoy science.

I go because apparently I'm gifted at it and have to go.

But I'm not that great at saying no.

I'm not really that great at anything.

Being gifted in science doesn't make you awesome and it definitely doesn't get you a cute girlfriend.

And I should know, I've probably broken the world record for the most humiliating rejections ever.

Being stood up.

Having the girl you like encourage everyone to stand on tables and laugh at me every time I entered the room for a whole week.

I didn't do anything.

I said I was a loser.

Not a tell-tale.

Ryan says that loads of girls like science geeks, that's why he goes to science club, for the girls.

But then Ryan, even though he's my best and one of my only friends, he has no clue when it comes to girls.

The greasy hair look does not get you a girlfriend.

I'm not much better myself though.

Curly black hair, glasses and an embarrassing lack of muscle.

I'm Robert Shapiro.

People call me Robbie, well I tell them to. I usually get Curly Sue instead.

I can't imagine that Hollywood Arts will be much better.

I'll probably still be the weird kid. The shy kid. Science Club geek.

The only dates I've been on are with my Mammaw's friend's daughters.

And one of them was nine.

I sighed deeply and focused on the game on the screen

Grand Theft Auto.

I'm totally addicted to violent games.

I'm awesome at beating people up in games.

It's just in real life, and then I have a problem. I glanced sideways at the weight set that Dad got me last Christmas.

I've used it once, but I had to go to A and E because I dropped a weight on my foot and broke my toes.

There was a screech and then a muffled scream as I ran someone over with my newly stolen car.

Oh right, I talking about the game.

My character over to someone and started beating them up.

"Why do you play this Rob, does it make you feel like a man?" A voice sneered from next to me.

Right and one more thing.


He does the talking for both of us usually, some of the stuff he says usually end s up with me being shoved in a bin.

I've tried getting rid of him but he just keeps finding a way to get back in my head, then I cave in and get him back from whatever place I left him.

People just don't understand how real Rex can be sometimes.

At first he was just some doll that my Uncle gave to me, the same Christmas I got those toe breaking weights.

My Uncle thought it would be g0ood if I had a hobby.

After a while I could make Rex talk without moving my mouth.

Then he just dominated my mind, I never thought of what he had to say anymore, the words just came out of his mouth as if he'd thought of the words himself.

"Of course I thought of them Rob. Who else would? You? You're just my puppet" Rex butted into my thoughts again.

Rex wasn't always mean, sometimes he could be a laugh, sometimes encouraging, very rarely.

"Robbie?" Mom knocked on the door.

I paused the game after a moment, "Come in"

"Hollywood Arts starts next week, are you going to be taking Rex to your new school?" she asked hesitantly.

Rex wanted to speak.

I grabbed him with one hand, "Course I'm coming woman, who else would help Rob get shoved in a bin on his first day?" Rex crowed, I wasn't sure whether he was joking or not.

I didn't feel like I had to use Rex around my family, he just sometimes wanted to speak.

I only really use him around people I'm scared of, or girls or new people.

There's no point in leaving Rex behind for the first day.

People have to know who I am and who Rex is.

Otherwise I would be lying.

Mom grabbed Rex and hurled him across the room, "MOM!" I yelled.

"Isn't time you tried stuff without Rex Sweetie?" she asked, an edge to her voice.

I shrugged, "I'm trying to get rid of him"

She smiled, "I won't miss him"

I don't think she understands.

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