Icecream Apolgies

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Chapter Twelve- Icecream Apolgies

"I saw your video!" Cat folded her arms and looked cross.

"It was Rex who put it on The Slap!" I protested, taking a nervous step back.

Cat shook her head and glared at both me and Rex before putting on a forced smile, "I'm mad at you anyway"

I sighed, "Fair enough, can I get you to stop being mad?" I asked hopefully.

Cat reached up to pluck a leaf off a tress as we continued walking down the road,"Hmmm…" she looked thoughtful.

I smiled nervously, hoping she wasn't planning some method of torture.

"Will you buy me ice cream at the mall?" she asked hopefully.

I nodded, "That's it?"

She nodded, "Yeah, being mad at people makes me sad…" her head drooped momentarily, before it bopped back up and smiled, "Pretty please?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Come on then"

"Yay!" she grabbed my wrists and started running, pulling me with her.

It's been raining and I'm skidding.

"Ahhh!" Cat steadied both of us, "Your so clumsy Robbie!" she laughed, poking my face.

I shot her a quizzical look, she shrugged in response.

"Hi, would you like to order?" the girl at the counter smiled at us.

Cat nodded, "Yep!" she looked over her shoulder at me, "Robbie?"


To be honest I don't like ice cream that much, but I don't want to upset Cat…so I guess…

"Chocolate" I decided finally.

The girl nodded and then looked at Cat, "Mint!"

I was sure she'd choose strawberry.

The girl handed her our ice creams, "$3.57" she said after giving us the ice cream.

For two tiny ice creams?

Rip off.

I handed her a five dollar bill, Cat was looking impatient.

She's got an extremely short attention span, explains why she seems to be over Danny already, it's only been three weeks.

Wait…is that?

"Just keep the change" I said hurriedly, I grabbed Cat's hand, "Come on"

She gave a surprised squeak and shuffled after me, "Robbie! You're going to pull my arm off!"

I ignored her.

I saw Danny in there, with another girl.

I don't know how Cat will react, when she broke up with Jake when she discovered he was cheating and then saw him the following week with a different girl, she didn't speak for the rest of the day.

I don't want Danny to ruin my day with Cat, especially now she's forgiven me about Rex filming her being dragged across the floor and screaming at Tori.

"Sorry" I dropped her arm after pulling her round the corner.

"What's going on?" she looked at me suspiciously.

Gotta lie.


Danny walked past us with his new girlfriend.

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