Just Nice

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Chapter Thirteen- Just Nice


She's left us all in here.

Who knows where she's gone, I'm talking about Cat, of course.

The little red head who went to the toilet four hours ago and still hasn't come back, she's probably been distracted by something, or locked herself in the toilet…again.

After being in here four hours, I did the unthinkable, I drank water from Beck's fish tank, only then, after I'd drank the water, did he then say he'd never changed the water.

And he's been living in his RV, with these fish, in this fish tank, with his stupid fish water for what…three years?

I've probably got some sort of disease.

Or had got.

I probably puked it all out…where?

I'll shamefully have to admit that I was sick in Trina's purse…I'm not proud of that.

Turns out Tori had some water all this time.

Trina saw her drinking something inside her bad when she took a break from glaring at me about the…contents of her bag.

I think I'm going to die.

I found myself saying that a lot.

Especially when I'm with Cat or Jade, they both know equally good methods to make me feel like walking off a cliff.

Cat's ahead of Jade with the, 'Leave Robbie in a hot RV to sweat to death' that torture method's definitely working.

I would do anything to get out of here…

Here's the gist of how bad things are…Jade's sweating.

And Jade never sweats, apart from now…maybe I could find some way to clean the sweat and then I could drink it…eeeww…the heat's going to my head.

"You know, my grandma used to say to me, before she lost her mind" Andre panted out, "No matter how bad things are Andre…you can always make them better with a song"

That…is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

"That's so…stupid…" Trina snapped.

For once I agree with her.

There was a long pause.

You could just here everyone panting and Jade quietly wailing about the terrors of sweating.

"Here I am…once again; feeling lost…b-but now and then…" Tori started singing in a weak voice.

"I breathe it in to let it go…" Andre and Beck joined in with her, eventually so did I and Trina.

And even Jade.

Thirst and heat can go to your head.

We are never going to get out of here.

People will find our shrivelled up bodies trapped in here, probably baked from the heat as we reach out-

"Hey guys did you miss me?" Cat asked peppily.

Shut up Cat…I'm trying to stay alive- WAIT! CAT?

"CAT!" Me and Beck and Andre all yelled at the same time, Beck and Andre leapt up, followed by the rest of us.

Cat squealed and dived outside to get out of Beck's way as he charged outside and threw himself against the side of the RV.

I bolted for the door…must get out…

I wrestled with Trina to get through the door.

Beck was spinning Cat ran and hugging her.

"Wow! You guys really missed me!" she said cheerfully, giggling.

"We." Jade started, "Have been stuck in that stupid RV for ages!"

Cat gave her a funny look, her eyes clouding with confusion, "But why didn't you hguys just open the door?" she asked, coming to stand next to me.

I caught the water Beck threw me.

I never thought I'd be so happy to see water.

"Because there's a huge RV parked right…" Beck started, looking at the space where we were all now standing.

I swigged my water.

"…here." He finished quietly.

"I guess it move without us noticing" Tori suggested.

You don't say.

"So…I l-left you guys in there?" Cat asked, sounding horrified, "And you were stuck? I feel all bad now!" she wailed, hugging Beck, who hugged her with one arm and carried on drinking.

"S'okay lil' red" Andre soothed, "You didn't know we were all in an RV dying while you were…actually what were you doing?"

Cat looked embarrassed, shifting about, "Well…there were some boys-"

Great. She ditched us for some guys.

Thanks a lot.

After everything I've done for you.

"You left us in there?" Jade stabbed her finger at the RV angrily, "F-for some boys? What wrong with you!" she yelled.

"Easy baby…drink the water…" Beck soothed.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Jade yelled back but drank some anyway.

"Jade…" Cat put one tiny hand on Jade's arm and then wrinkled her nose, "Ewww Jade you're all sweaty!" she squealed, leaping back.

Not a great move, she's just digging her hole even deeper.

"Never speak of it!" Jade yelled in her face, stalking off.

. . .

"So…" I tried to start a conversation.

The others had ditched me with Cat and gone on ahead, Jade's still prett mad at her.

"New boyfriend?" I guessed.

Cat giggled and then shook her head, "I told you before, I don't want to date anyone after Danny"

"Not ever?" I spluttered.

I mean come on; this is Cat, Queen of flirting.

She shrugged, "Only if I meet that special boy" she put simply, "None of them were my special boy…I got their numbers though" she grinned.

"What were you doing for all that time?"

What was so important that it made her abandon us for four hours?

"I told you, I hung out with some boys…over there!" she pointed to a group of muscular dudes.

I instinctively flexed my arms, trying not to look puny compared to them.

Cat saw me and laughed, "Appearance doesn't matter Robbie!" she laughed, hitting my arm, "You should know that!"

Whatever, I still feel puny.

One of them pointed to Cat and grinned, waving at her.

She giggled and waved back before turning to me and rolling her eyes, "They're not special boys, they're flirty boys" she pointed out.

I agree.

I nodded, "So they were interested?"

Why. Do. I. Care?

"Yep…Harry more than all the others, he kept hugging me and stuff, it was sweet I guess, but that was it, he was nice…nothing else."


"ICECREAM!" Cat yelled, running off, "Come on!" sghe yelled over her shoulder.

I ran after her.

Can't beat ice cream after being stuck in a hot RV.

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