Express Yourself

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(A/N)- I saw a review saying that this should end with them having hardcore sex...sorry buddy, no porn shall be supplied from here. Maybe in the future when I'm older I could try lemons...hmmm...

-Express Yourself-

Robbie POV

"Why are we out here?" I asked nervously as Cat and Jade crouched in the bushes next to me.

"This is Eli's house" Cat replied in a hushed tone, "We're going to get him good."

"What was the plan again? You didn't tell me…you just dragged me out of my house in my pyjamas…" I complained.

Jade made a face, "Awww is diddums cold?"

"Yes." I answered through gritted teeth, "Yes he is."

"Jade, don't be mean."

"No-one asked for your opinion." Jade replied sharply.

"C-can we just get this over with? It's f-freezing." Beck shivered.

"Have you got the weed killer?" Jade asked.

He held up a great bottle, "Right here."

She smiled, "Good."

"What was the plan again?" I repeated, feeling baffled.

Cat gave a tiny giggle, "Jade hacked into Eli's medical records! It turns out he has a slight…constipation…problem…" she trailed off and looked up at Jade, "Are you sure about this? He's right by the school, everyone will be able to see it when they go past his house."

Jade rolled her eyes, "Well, that's the whole point, duh."

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing, come on, the lights are out, he's asleep."

I tapped Cat on the shoulder, "The rest of the plan?"

She thought for a moment and then giggled, "Right! Sorry! Jade's going to write a message about his problem in weed killer on the lawn, by tomorrow, you'll be able to read the message…though it still seems really mean." She frowned.

"You guys just stay there." Jade shushed us as she slinked out onto the lawn and began tipping weed killer in specific patterns and shapes all over the lawn.

"I don't understand why I had to come…" Cat grumbled.

Beck was still looking up at the windows of Eli's house, "They go to bed early…it's only about 7.00 0r something…it's so cold…" he complained at the end.

"Jade!" Cat hissed, "Are you nearly done because Mom will kill me if I'm not back before eight!"

"My Mom will kill me for being outside right now…" I bit my lip.

Jade crawled back to us, "Done! Go!"

We all clambered into Jade's car, beck and her in the front and Cat and I in the back.

"Hey…nice jammies…" Cat whispered, playing with my sleeve.

"Thanks…" I mumbled, blushing, "My grandma bought them for me, she's staying over, she think I'm about seven and just a human giant or something…hence the dinosaurs…"

"I think they're cute" She patted my shoulder and smiled again.

I smiled uneasily, "Thank you? Ummm…you look nice too…"

Jade groaned, "Just get a room! God's sake!"

Cat's cheeks went pink, "Jade! Can't you do someone a favour without making an inappropriate comment afterwards?"

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