Tornado Incident

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Chapter 14- Tornado Incident

"Robbie calm down…it's okay…"

"It's not okay!" I wailed into Cat's shoulder.

She gripped me tighter, "Look, everything's going to be okay…" she whispered, "Trust me."

I shouldn't have left him.

I bet she did it on purpose.

Tori should go to jail for murder and even if Rex does make it…

"Tori killed him!"

With Beck's stupid tornado machine.

"She hasn't killed him!"

"Didn't you see him? He's going to die!"

"Robbie…why don't we go get something to eat to take your mind off it?" Cat suggested softly, rubbing my back, like I was a baby.

"How can you think of eating when Rex is in there-"I pointed to the closed door to the room where Rex was now lying, "-all shredded and mashed up?"

"I think it would help-"

"You don't know what will help me!" I snapped, Cat immediately let go of me.

Well she doesn't, how can eating make Rex better?

How can she say something so stupid?

"Look, we're eating." She snapped, pulling me away from the door, "Tori said that Rex was meant to be resting so that he can get better!"

I grabbed Cat shoulders, and tried to shake her, but I couldn't because I was shaking so badly myself, "We both have reasons not to trust Tori! Why are you all trying to keep me away from Rex? You're meant to be on my side, not Tori's!"

Cat shrugged my hands off her, "Just please Robbie, nothing's going to happen in thirty minutes."

I stared back at her reproachfully and let her lead me to the cafeteria.

. . .

"Where's Cat?" I asked quietly.

I haven't seen her since she bought me lunch.

I need to pay her back for that later.

Jade shrugged, "I told her to go talk to the lady at the desk, go ask her."

Rex, I miss you.

Don't die on me.

I dragged myself over to the desk, "Excuse me?" I asked shakily, steadying myself on the counter, "H-have you seen a girl, she's kinda short and she's got red hair-"

"The crazy one?" She interrupted.

Hey! Cat's not crazy.

"Cat's not crazy" I replied forcefully.

The lady looked disinterested, "Bob took her to the mental ward, she was obviously one of our patients."

"M-mental ward?"

I'm torn between two things.

Being with Rex and rescuing Cat, who is probably freaking out right now.

"Bob!" The lady suddenly yelled.

A tall, dark and built up guy strode around the corner.

So much for fighting my way in to save Cat, that guy would break my neck with his little finger.

"Take this boy to the monitor room."

He nodded, "This way kid."

. . .

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