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Chapter Eight- Betrayal

So...I'm on my own, obviously no date. I was too scared to ask anyone. The only girl that might have gone with me would have been Cat.

She's not ashamed or embarrassed to be near me.

Cat's great like that, she doesn't judge.

But anyway Cat's with-

Cat's over there, making out with Danny by the cheese fountain.

My stomach flipped as I tried to focus on something else.

I wonder what kissing is like?

No girl has ever kissed me, shameful I know.

I wonder what kissing Cat is like?


Don't be weird, only Danny's allowed to think about kissing Cat.

What makes it worse is that I have no logical reason to be thinking like this.


This is illogical and stupid.

Think of something else, think...there's Tori!

Maybe I can just hang with her, take my mind off all this...jealousy I guess.

Every Thursday, me and Cat would get ice cream.

She'd always have strawberry, with a flake, she'd put it on the front and giggle about how her icecream was a unicorn.

"Hey Tori!" I greeted her brightly.

"Hi..." She replied in a distracted tone, she kept looking over my shoulder at something, clearly wanting to get away from me.


"Have you tried the cheese fountain?" The words just slipped out as the image of Cat and Danny back in to my head.

Tori shook her head, looking slightly confused, " No, not yet"

"They have a cheese fountain" I repeated.

" I'll go check it out" Tori hastily dodged around me.

. . .

I heard a scream.

Cat's scream...she sounded...upset? and definetely embarrasssed.

There was already a crowd gathered around where the cheese fountain was, I pushed my way through to the front and looked in shock at Tori standing, her hand on the valve of the cheese fountain and Cat and Danny, covered in hot cheese.

She looks like she's about to cry.

Poor Cat.

I look at Tori who has a similar expression to Cat.

Poor Tori, I feel sorry for both of them.

Danny's glaring at Tori.

Tori shoved past me suddenly, obviously crying.

Cat was crying too as Danny took her hand and they both went off to clean up.

I saw Tori figure in the distance, following Danny like a shadow.

Beck and Jade were in the corner and Andre was with a group of girls.

Clearly flirting with them.

I went to go after Tori and Cat...what was the point?

I sighed and went home.

. . .


There's the doorbell.

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