Punch Bag

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Chapter Eleven- Punch Bag

"Cat stop avoiding her! You're going to have to face Tori sooner or later" I folded my arms across my chest, leaning against my locket, Rex sitting on my shoulder.

"I'd rather later" she replied sulkily, "She betrayed me Robbie! I trusted her!"

"I know…" I soothed, "Just listen to what Tori has to say…okay?"

She snorted, "She's probably busy with Danny now that he's single…"

I doubt they'll be doing much, after Cat giving him a hefty kick in his 'special place' in front of everyone.

It was a messy break up, Cat ran off crying afterwards, she was down for the rest of the day but she seems to have bounced back this morning.

I still haven't found out what upset her when she stayed over…I haven't asked.

I'm scared she'll flip out and rub out any chance there is of me helping her with…whatever's going on.

Is that…?

"Tori's over there" I pointed out to Cat, she was across the corridor, she obviously hadn't spotted Cat but she'd been looking for her since yesterday.

Cat's been in hiding I guess you could say.

"Gotta go!" Cat yelped, ducking behind another row of lockers.


Someone needs to tell her that if she has a problem she can't just pull a temper tantrum and then everyone baby's her, either that or she runs away.

Cat knows that she's seen as the baby of the group, she smart.

She tends to hide it, but she is seriously smart.

And she knows how to use the baby thing to her advantage.

If someone's mad at her, teacher, Jade…anyone. She'll come running to me, Beck and Andre and says she's scared.

Obviously she is but I can't not think that she's putting it on, just for an easy way round.

Suddenly I saw Tori in front of me; she silently waved at me and then put a finger to her lips, gesturing to Cat.

I was tempted to tell her Tori was sneaking up on her.

Whatever I think about Cat being over dramatic, I'm still one hundred percent on her side, Tori seriously hurt Cat.

The whole groups Anti-Tori at the moment, even Beck.

Jade's happy.

"Nooo! Stay away from me!"

I guess Tori succeeded on sneaking up on Cat then.

"Cat I want to talk to you!" Tori begged.

"Well I don't want to talk to you!" Cat yelled back, her voice full of venom, she gets pissed off at everything, though she does well hiding it.

She inly lets herself get mad around me.

I guess we're closer with each other then we are with anyone else in the group, I don't know whether Cat would sleep next to Beck or Andre.

"Cat come with me!"

"NO!" she yelled, I saw her race past, screaming, Tori right behind her.

"Now this is what I call entertainment" Rex chuckled, "Two hot chicks, battling it out, who will win? We shall see…" he chuckled, in kind of a perverted way I guess, he was eyeing up Tori who'd managed to grab hold of Cat.

Cat slapped Tori's hands away, but Tori held on, wrestling her to the ground, "Cat please!"

"Whoa! It's a chick flick! Avery your eyes Rob, this is men not a boy like you!" he sneered, putting one hand over my eye.

Cat screeched again.

Ow. My ears.

"Tori, that's not fair!" Cat wriggled as Tori grabbed her feet and started dragging her towards the Janitor's Closet.

She's determined, I'll give her that.

"Ha ha…" Rex chuckled again, somehow he had taken my phone and was now filming Cat clinging onto the lockers yelling, "This is illegal"

Tori tugged more, trying to unlatch her.

"This stranger is trying to kill me!" Cat yelled as Tori managed to pull her off the lockers, Cat clung onto people's ankles as Tori dragged her, tripping several people up.

Others were looking at Tori slightly nervously like they were wondering whether or not to help Cat.

"Robbie! Tell Tori she can't do this!" Cat howled, Tori nearly had her in the janitor's closet.

"Ohh, Rob! You shouldn't get involved in these M rated things" Rex taunted.

Shut up.

I shook my head at Cat, who glared up at me, lying on the floor on her back.

"It's okay!" Tori reassured everyone, "She enjoys this!"

"Get the hell off me!" I heard Cat yell as Tori managed to get her in the Janitor's closet and slammed the door.

"And…uploading to the slap…" Rex muttered.

"Rex! You didn't…"

He cackled, "I did!"

"Cat will kill you…and me!" I squeaked.

Cat can do some serious damage.

"That's your problem; I'll be hanging with my Northridge girls!"

Jade came up to me, with a half-smile, her phone in one hand, "Hey Shapiro!" she yelled.

Don't hurt me…

"What's going on with Tori and Cat?" she folded her arms, tilting her head slightly.

"They're in there…" I nodded to where Tori had dragged Cat into the cupboard.

"I saw your video…I would kill you for uploading it, but I'm sure Cat will do that for me…"

I squeaked, "It was Rex!" I protested.

She rolled her eyes, "Stop blaming your problems on a lump of wood"

"Rex is not a-"

"Rob, we're losing this one…back away…and run!"

And I bolted at Rex's command, Jade ran after me looking angry.

I don't even know why, I think she just likes hitting people.

Looks like I'm the punch bag.

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