Getting Even

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-Getting Even-

Robbie POV

"Hey Rob!" Beck ran up to me grinning, "Funny video man!" he slapped me on the back.

I looked up, feeling confused, "What are you talking about?"

Beck gave me an odd look and handed his phone to me.

I squinted at the screen, no…yep; there it is in black and white.

Treadmill Horror.

That guy who filmed that incident with the treadmill…he uploaded it…

He couldn't even be bothered to think of an inventive title for the video of my embarrassing slip up.

"I-I didn't upload this." I frowned, handing the phone back to Beck.

He looked confused, "You didn't?"

I shook my head, "No." I tapped the screen and information about the clip came up, "See?"

"Oh…it says Eli Jackson uploaded it."

I remember him; he did a scene with Jade, Beck, Cat and Tori on Tori's first day at Hollywood Arts.

When Jade tipped coffee over Tori's head.

I'm so grateful Jade didn't do that to me…

"Didn't know you went to the gym Rob."

I shrugged, "I decided to start but I screwed up…" I gestured to the phone.

Beck raised an eyebrow, "It's got over one hundred comments already, it was only put up this morning."

I looked back at him reproachfully.

"Can't I laugh just a little bit?" he pleaded, his mouth twitched.

I sighed, "Why not? Everyone else is…"

Beck crackled a smile, "It'll blow over, it could happen to anyone."

"But it happened to me."

"Then get revenge."

"On who?"

I'm confused; I'm not good at getting revenge.

"Eli! Embarrass him, film it and put it on The Slap! Come on Robbie let's get even!" Beck encouraged, "I'm sure Jade will help!"

I looked at him doubtfully, "Jade?"

Yeah, that's going to happen.

"She likes taking revenge on people." Beck replied, looking slightly nervous.

How he can date Jade without being scared of her is a mystery.

The only other people not afraid of Jade are Cat and Sikowitz.

In fact Sikowitz takes joy in making Jade angry.

He's so high on coconut milk all the time he doesn't care about the effects of Jade's rage.

"How can I take revenge?"

"Be creative!" Cat came up behind me.

Beck and I both jumped and turned round to see Cat smiling, "You guys looked like you were going to jump out of your skin!" she giggled and then pouted, looking distressed, "Did I mess up?"

Beck hugged her, "No sweetie, you're fine."

Cat smiled, "Okay…what was that about revenge? Can I help!" she lit up and turned to me, "Please?" she begged.

I shrugged, "If you want to…any ideas?"

Beck grinned, "She'll come up with something good, it was her idea to take your clothes when you did that dumb Robarrazzi thing" he laughed.

I turned to Cat who had pursed her lips ad was shuffling from side to side, "That was you?"

She nodded, "As I said, you gotta be creative."

"We could…throw eggs at him?" I suggested.

I'm not great at this.

Cat shrugged, "It's a start, we should ask Jade…let's go find her!"

Beck followed after her and so did I, wincing as I moved, still sore after the gym incident.

As we walked through the hall everyone was watching the video of me.

"Hey! It's the treadmill disaster guy!" Someone yelled lots of kids looked my way and stated laughing.

Cat sighed, shaking her and grabbed wrist, "Come on!" she pulled me through into the cafeteria.

I was met by more laughing students…great.

Going to the gym was meant to boost my popularity, it did the complete opposite.

I winced as she tugged on my arm.

"Sorry!" she squeaked, letting go as soon as she spotted Jade, "Jadey! Over here!"

Jade was leaning against the bins, she waved to Beck, with a smile, it instantly changed to a frown when she caught sight of me and Cat.

She too had her phone out and was laughing.

Beck pulled her into a kiss, "Hey…"

She gave him a little prod with one finger, kissing his cheek quickly before turning to face us, "Don't you guys have anything else you could be doing?" she looked straight at Cat who scowled back.

"Actually we all came to ask you something." Beck started, he glanced over Jade's shoulder, "W-wait…what are you doing?"

"Sending video of Shapiro making a fool of himself to everyone I know" she replied with a huge smile.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked, taking a tiny step behind Cat.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a chicken.

Why yes, yes you are.

Rex, please, you haven't got a free pass to waltz through my head.

Actually, yes I do, you never take me with you anymore, I get bored Rob.

I'm sorry! I'll buy you some bubble bath later! Will that make it up to you?

I'm having emotional distress right now, you left me Rob, you left me.

Now I feel guilty, wait, Jade looks like she's about to answer, focus Robbie.

"I don't hate you Robbie."

"You don't?" I could hear the disbelief in Cat's voice, "Are you really Jade? Or are you a ninja that's dressed up like her? REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY!" She yelled.

Jade gave her an odd look, "I don't hate you. But if you were on fire, and I had a glass of water…I would drink it." She went back to her phone.

Cat breathed out, "It's okay! She's not a ninja! It's Jade!" she announced to everyone in ear shot.

"So why are you all still here?" Jade asked and started walking away from us.

"We need you to help us get revenge on someone" Beck explained.

Jade stopped, mulling it over.

"Please Jade?" Cat begged, "Revenge on Eli?"

Jade's eyes snapped open, "As in the Eli who used to pay Sinjin to find out stuff about me? I'm in, I already got my revenge but I'll take part for the sheer of it."

"That's my girl." Beck replied sarcastically.

"I'm guessing he's the one who uploaded the video of Robbie getting killed by a treadmill?" Jade guessed, "Not bad work, not bad at all."

"Jade!" Cat yelled, sounding outraged, "Cut him some slack!"

"No. But I'll help as a one off."

"Thank you…" I answered nervously.

"You owe me, I'll come up with a plan in the meantime, quit bugging me."

"But Jade-"Cat started.

"I'll tell you my plan, until then-"she gave me and Cat a push, "Bye bye."

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