One Message

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Chapter Nine- One Message


"Robbie…the movie finished…I don't know how to switch it off, ROBBIE!"

A voice went from gentle to yelling in my ear.

I jumped awake, "Wha…?"

"Hey sleepy head" Cat teased.

"Urrggghhh… what's the time?"

"About 3 in the morning" she replied.

I felt her hand stroking my hair…I'm practically in her lap.

I forced my eyes open; basically the whole of the top half of my body is on her lap, my head's resting against her arm.

I shifted, "Sorry" I mumbled and started to get up.

Cat gripped my shoulder, "Don't move, you're warm"

I smiled, feeling a little awkward.

Okay very awkward, I didn't mean to fall asleep on her.

"I have to…" I argued, trying to think of an excuse and then realised that the TV was still on, "…I need to turn the TV off"

Cat stayed with one arm round my and the other hand still raking through my hair and then sighed, giving me a playful shove, "Okay…you win."

I'm glad that she seems to have forgotten about Danny and Tori for now.

It'll all come back to her in the morning when she's not tired.

Better just enjoy happy Cat while she stays.

I unplugged the TV, unable to find the remote and then flopped back on the sofa again, next to Cat.

"Bed?" Cat suggested, her eyes very bright.

I smiled, "You tired?"

She shook her head, "No…but you are" she pointed out.

I leaned against her shoulder for a moment, "Go to bed and just talk then, I'll try not to fall asleep on you" I said seriously in a jokey way.

I'm not going to bed if she isn't tired, I don't want to bore her, I just want to take her mind of Danny and…her.

Cat tilted her head, "Kay…talk."

I let her pull me off the sofa and nudge me upstairs.

I led her into my room for the second time this night.

I look around, my eyes going all blurry again, I mentally slapped myself, trying to stay awake, and "You mind wearing one of my shirts or something? Sorry…I don't think any of Mom's stuff would fit you…"

Cat nodded, "Ok!" she replied enthusiastically, yawning a little.

Speaking of Mom and Dad…they mysteriously went out.

I think it's their way of trying to get to get together with Cat by giving us space.

They trust me not to do anything with her, not that I ever would…

They really want me to get a girlfriend, I think they're at some hotel or something…not sure, but they'll be back tomorrow.

I gestured to the closet, "Take whatever"

I grabbed a shirt and short and went into the bathroom to change.

About five minutes later I knocked on the door, "Cat? You decent?"

"Yep!" she giggled.

I pushed open the door to find her sitting on the end of my bed in my light blue shirt, it didn't exactly fit, and it barely came down to her knees.

She giggled as she caught me staring, she twirled around.

I felt my face heat up as I caught sight of her underwear…think of something else Robbie…

I looked at my bed, I'd shoved Rex under it earlier when Cat was in the bathroom, didn't want him to set her off.

"Where should I sleep?" she asked nervously.

Nervous? Why?

Good question.

"In my bed." I decided.

"In your bed…with you." She said slowly, looking suspicious, folding her arms.

God no.

"No, I'll sleep on…the floor." I decided.

I don't want Cat on the floor, she won't be able to sleep, and it's cold for one thing.

"But then you'll be all uncomfy!" Cat wailed suddenly, looking a little miserable, "You sleep up here" she patted the bed, "And I'll sleep on the floor"

I shook my head, "Not going to happen"

She sighed after a while, "Fine."

I dragged some blankets and a pillow over as Cat looked at me reluctantly before flopping back on my bed, burying herself in the covers so only her head was visible.

I tried to get comfy on the floor.

I saw Cat frowning, "Are you sure you don't want to swap?" she asked, "You look cold…"

"I'm fine." I brushed her worry off."

"Fine then…where's Rex?" she asked, finally noticing he was gone.

"Under the bed…"

"Oh." We both sat in the dark in silence, I felt her hand stretch out and curl around my hand.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I don't like the dark…" she whimpered, "Usually I have Mister Longneck because he's scared too…then we're scared together and it doesn't matter…but I left him at home!" she wailed suddenly, "B-because of Danny…I didn't want to scare him off…" she gave a tiny sob, "Danny…"

Shit, she'd forgotten about him as well.

"Cat, please don't cry…" I tried to comfort her but failed miserably, her grip on my hand tightened.

She didn't reply and just gave another sob.

I sighed and pulled myself up, crawling into bed with her, trying not to get too close.

Cat gave another muffled mewling sound and pulled me close to her, wrapping her arms around my neck.


She kissed my cheek, "I know you probably think it's a dumb thing to get upset over…but I trusted him, I thought we were serious…"

If by serious she means serious about breaking the world record for world's longest make out session…no Robbie. Just because you're jealous…you want to be the one she hugs and the one she relies on…

"They'll be other guys." I answered stupidly, unable to think of anything useful to say.

She nodded, "I guess, but I don't think I'll date for a while…what's the point in getting hurt all the time?"

She basically asking what the point in love is.

If only I could give her an answer.

But I don't know, all I know is it screws you up.

Just look at the crying girl in my arms right now…

"Thank you Robbie…" she muttered as she fell asleep, I gave her a tight hug and then silently slinked back to my own bed, wishing I had the guts to just stay and sleep with her instead.

I felt nervous, sleeping in the same room as Cat, I saw Rex's face peering out from under the bed, grinning at me, I could read what his eyes were saying.

If you're thinking it's something meaningful then stop.

And prepare to be disappointed, his eyes held one clear message.

Screw her.

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