A Surprise to the Sensei

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The week goes by quite quickly as we only finish the first scenes of the movie and one dance number. We get this weekend off to recuperate as everyone is still adjusting to the new surroundings.

I find myself awake at six thirty as I can not sleep. I walk out to my balcony and see that the beach is completely empty and that the waves are still following their usual rhythm patterns. I decide to take it upon myself to take a closer observation.

Because back at home my family lives right on the beach, one of my favorite things to do was yoga on the beach. I used to do it every Sunday morning.

I set my towel on the cool morning sand and set my bag beside it. I pull my hair into a pony tail. Even though it is Puerto Rico, I find the morning chilly so I wear leggings and a fitted pink long sleeved shirt. I take my sneakers and socks off and begin my yoga.

After about twenty minutes of the yoga I hear someone run up right next to me. I try to ignore them and continue focusing of the pattern of the waves. That is, until they start to talk to me.

"Hello." I recognize the voice. It's Ross, the big-ego blonde boy. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep." I say, switching from downward dog to tree position. I see Ross do the same from the corner of my eyes. But then I focus on the water again. "What are you doing here? And why are you up so early?" I ask.

"I'm an earlier riser. And I came here to ask you a question." He replies.

"You don't seem like the type to be an early riser to me."

"Well, I bet I'm a lot of things you don't expect me to be."

"Yeah I've heard that one. I don't like cliché Ross." I say continuing to look at the water. I decide to challenge him. I take my foot into the palm of my hand and extend my leg straight up, continuing to keep my balance by focusing on the waves. I see Ross struggle to copy me, and fail many times. After I while, I see his frustration so he goes back to tree. I feel a smile creep onto my face.

"I've heard that before too." He replies.

"What?" I ask.

"That you don't like cliché. You will." I roll my eyes.

"What about you're question?" I ask, still a little annoyed that he thinks he knows me so well.

"Oh yes. I would like to take you out to dinner tonight." Out of shock I release my leg and It falls immediately.

"What?!" I ask. My foot hits Ross in the face as he falls back letting out a big groan. I rush to his side. "I'm sorry, but you caught me off guard there!" I say. He is laying on his back.

"Ouch." I gently rub my thumb around the reddening area near his nose and under eye. Both of our faces relax until I realize what I am doing I pull back quickly and he sits up.

"Wait, What?" I say again.

"Just as friends." He reassures me. "I would like to get to know you more." What?

"Why? We only have known each other for like, two days. That's not enough time to get to know a person." I say.

"I know, but you seem like such a mysterious person. I am intrigued." Me? Mysterious? I am the least mysterious person ever. But I am intrigued by his offer.

"Alright? We're are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Dress nice." He smiles.

"Here you are trying to get to know a secret, and you're keeping secrets?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"We are in Puerto Rico, Nina. Take a chance." I smile. He gets up and walks away. I watch his golden hair flop. I chuckle and look back at the waves. As I slowly breathe in the salty air.

What a mystery, that boy.

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