CHAPTER 18: Day four( Too many cooks spoil the broth)

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Hi lovelies,

Sorry for mistakes guys. Its unedited please understand. I will edit it soon *puppy dog eyes* here is lucy guys

please vote and comment!!!

Here you go guys!!!!



"Why are you doing this to me?" Shane asked to Jake.

"Come on Shany boy!! Stop crying!!" harry said teasingly.

"What did I ever do to you Jake? Why are you making me do this? Last time I cried I was in third grade. You made me cry. I will surely get back you for this" Shane said wiping his tears like a drama queen.

"For heaven's sake, stop acting like I cheated on you and chop the onions" Jake said irritated "And you stop eating those things. I told you to cut not eat" He said to Harry.

"I am not eating" Harry said defensively

"You prepare boiled egg" Jake said to Matt.

"Ok chef" Matt said with a mock salute.

"You scrambled eggs" Jake said to Mace.

"As you order chef" Mace said and Jake rolled his eyes

"Andrew, you take and give me the ingredients while I am cooking" Jake said.

"Harry I said you to stop eating those carrots" Jake said as he hit Harry's head

"Okay" Harry raised his hand in mock surrender.

Jake started to cook like a professional. The onions chopped by Shane were mess. It had uneven stokes and size. Carrot? There were only little carrot as harry ate most of them.

"Oil" Jake asked

"Here" Andrew gave

"Streamed pasta" Jake said

"Here" Andrew gave


"White pepper"

"Vegetables" After half an hour the pasta was ready.

"Now time for garnishing and dressing. Where is scrambled egg?" Jake asked

"Here" Mace said as he handed the plate.

"My God! Shit! Why the heck egg shell is in it?" Jake yelled at Mace and others laughed at him.

"You know egg shell is nutritious. You must practice eating it" Mace said sheepishly

"What the heck? My god! Trash it for heaven's sake" Jake yelled frustrated.

"Boiled egg?"Jake asked

"Coming" Matt said

"Peel the shell, man" Jake said trying to calm down

"Oh ok" Matt said as he started to peel the shell. It was not fully boiled and yolk started to leak as he opened the shell.

"Oh shit! My hand" Matt cursed.

"Matt how many minutes did you boil the damn egg?" Jake asked frustrated.

"Around 2 minutes" Matt said sheepishly

"My God! I can't take this anymore. Thrash this hell" Jake ordered. Matt nodded his head.

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