Is Cat Out Of The Bag?

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A new book is out!! 'Bitch Is Next To Her name'. Please check it out.

I am totally in love with the song 'treat you better'  by Shawn Mendes. Check it out.
This photo does no have anything to do with this chap but I luv it!!

Happy reading!!!
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"Why are we hiding?",  Bella asked.

"Because we are going to sneak into locker room ", Anna said in duh tone.

" Anna, I don't think we are allowed to enter into boy 's locker room ", Bella said.

" That's the point of sneaking, Ella. No one will know we entered ", Anna said face palming herself.

" Can't we talk to Jake after the
game? ", Bella asked Anna as she didn't think it was a good idea.

" Don't you want to surprise your boyfriend? ", Anna asked in a calm voice.

" Yep, but what if we get caught? We may get suspended", Bella said panicking.

"Ella, we won't get caught. It's game night. No one will notice us sneaking in for few minutes. Even if they found out, we may get detention but there is no way for suspension. I can't believe you are the same girl who pulled a prank on Shane. What did you do to that Ella?  ", Anna asked.

" Hey! You know I have a good girl reputation to keep here", Bella said defensively.

"Who cares? Come on let's get in through that freaking door before anyone sees", Anna said pointing the locker room door.

They made sure no one saw them entering the locker room. Luckily there were no half-naked guys changing their clothes. Most of the players were showering so the room was empty. No one noticed them entering. They were too busy with their own stuff.

"BTW what are you going to do while I give a heart attack to Jake? ", Bella asked.

" I have a errand to run", Anna said smiling mischievously.

"Why do I have a feeling this errand has something to do with certain brown haired boy? ", Bella asked mockingly. Anna just laughed it off.
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Everyone was already in shower when Jake came. He was about to grab his towel. He opened his locker only to find Bella inside his locker. 'surprise', she said as soon as he opened his locker.

"Bel? I have officially gone crazy. Now I started to see her. I must probably call her", He said to himself. He took his phone and dialed her number. Bella laughed at him.

"Jake.. You.. Are not.. Imagining... I am real", Bella said between her laughter. Jake's eyes widened as soon as he heard it.

"Bella, what the hell are you doing here? It's boy's locker room. What if you get caught? ", Jake asked.

" I won't get caught, Jake. I wanted to talk to you", Bella said.

"You could have after the game, Bel. What if guys were changing when you came in? ", Jake asked.

" But I missed you and it's our anniversary. You didn't even attend my call", Bella said pouting. Jake leaned in and gave a peck on her pouted lips.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to pout? Sorry, Bel. My phone was in silent mode. I am kind of freaking out. I don't think.. The scouts will... ", Bella stopped his ramble by kissing him.

" Jake, you are going to do great. I am damn sure scouts would be impressed by you. Remember! You don't have fans for nothing. You are a freaking role model to many ice Hockey beginners like Matt. You will do great. Best of luck ", Bella said looking into his eyes.

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