I Am Pathetic And I Know It

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Hi lovelies,
I am really really SORRY For not updating in the while. I was busy with xams and college stuffs.
Love u all guys...!


"ouch.. "
" ouch "
" ouch"

"Anns, can't u stay still for few minutes? ", Shane said as he tightened his grip around her.

"How about no?", Anna said giggling drunkenly as she poked him again.

"Anna, I swear I will drop you if u Poke me again", Shane warned.

"You wont", Anna said and continued to  giggle.

"I won't be so sure if I was you. Are u positive? " Shane asked and raised his eyebrows at her.

" I am 100% positive, maybe 101%. NO, no... I am 200% positive", Anna said giggling.

"What makes you so sure? ", Shane asked as he carried her towards the exit of the club.

" You like me, so you wouldn't drop me", Anna said giggling. Shane stopped in his tracks but soon regained his senses when Anna poked him again.

"I don't like you", Shane denied.

"Denial. Denial is only for losers, Shane. I am not a loser like you.... see I like you and I accept it. ", Anna said pouting.

" Who doesn't like me? I am such a sexy beast. ", Shane said cockily.

" Haha here comes your arrogance I love.. But I know deep inside you, there is that cute guy who liked to play with me, who liked peanut butter, who shared his sandwich only with me, who punched a guy for calling me ugly in 2nd grade, who always has been my side, who assured me I am beautiful and who beat the shit out of the f*cking senior who bullied me in 8th grade", Anna
slurred .

Shane was taken back by her response and gulped nervously. He quickly changed the sensitive topic by saying.

"I never thought you liked my arrogance. I thought you found it irritating", Shane said smirking.

"nah... I really like you when you are arrogant. I always want to kiss that smirk off from your pink, kissable lips", Anna said as she seductively trailed her finger on his lips. Shane gulped breathlessly.

" Anns, stop it you are not helping me to hold back", Shane said as she inched towards his face trailing her hands in his cheeks.

"Then don't hold back ", Anna said seducively, her lips dangerously close to his.

" Anna... ", Shane said breathlessly.

" You are drunk. You will regret it later and it's not really manly of me to take advantage of drunk.. And I will never take advantage of drunk especially you..... You don't deserve it and you really mean more than that to me", He tucked her in car seat.

" I am not drunk", Anna whined as he took the driver seat.

"Surely, you are not" Shane said sarcastically. And chuckled, "And stay still..."

Before he could complete his sentence, Anna switched on the radio. Daylight by maroon 5 was blaring from the speaker. She turned up the volume even more until it became threat to human ear. She unfastened her seat belt.

"Let's dance, shaney", Anna said as she pulled his hand from wheel.

"Anna, are you trying to kill us? " Shane asked as he pulled into jake's driveway.

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