It's not A Dream?

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Happy reading!!!
I dedicate this chap to @hafsa_24
.........................a user

"what the hell? I can't see", Anna said pushing Shane away who was blocking her view.

They were hiding behind a trees which was a bit away from where the decorated tree was. It was far but not too far as they could clearly hear what Jake and Bella was talking.

"That's why I am saying you must grow up", Shane said teasingly.

"Never talk about my height. Haven't you ever heard the phrase , 'short girls are cute'? ", Anna asked him.

" Come on, anns. You have seen yourself, right? You are anything but cute", Shane said snorting.

"Shut up, you brute. Why do I even talk to you? ", Anna said frowning.

" Because you have a huge crush on me", Shane said smiling mischievously.

"I do not have a crush on you", Anna denied immediately as a blush decorated her cheeks.

"You do", Shane said.

"I do not ", Anna snapped.

" Shut up, you brainless stupids. I am trying to record one of the most romantic proposal here. And all I could hear is your annoying voices", Laura yelled at them. That immediately made them to keep their mouth closed.
........... @............

'Bella, wake up. You are dreaming. You may like Jake but dreaming like him proposing you is not healthy ', Bella said to herself.

When Bella came back to her senses. Jake was standing before her holding a rose bouquet in his hand.

'Wake up, you stupid dump head', Bella said to herself.

'Come on, Jake. Man up', Jake thought and took a deep breath to keep his nervousness in bay.

"Bel, I know this might sound crazy to you. I know we don't even know each other for a week. This might sound even crazier. I like you.... I am kind of attracted to you. I am intrigued by everything you do . I can't help but notice you... So, Bel,.. Will you be my girlfriend? ", Jake asked her extending the bouquet towards her.

'It's official Bella, you are crazy.. Saying yes in a dream would not hurt, right? After all this is something that would never happen in real life', Bella thought.

" Bel-", Jake was cut off by Bella, "Yeah, I would love to be your girlfriend".

As soon as these words left her lips, Jake's lips smashed on hers. His one hand wounded around her waist and other held her head in place angling to kiss her. At first she was too shocked to respond, then her lips started to act on their own. He tasted something sweet and minty. The fireworks exploded in her mind.she was lost in his arms. They broke up the kiss as soon as they heard someone cheering. Bella blushed and looked down in embarrassment as she was not aware of the audience.

"What the hell are you doing here? ", Jake snapped at her Anna.

" Chill out, couz. Did you think these dumpsters would have managed to decorate a tree? ", Anna asked him.

" Whatever", Jake mumbled frowning.
"I get it, dude. You don't like to be interrupted.... But sadly with friends like this... ", Laura said gesturing with her hand towards the direction where guys and Anna was standing.

"Andy, would you mind coming with me for a second? ", Jake asked.

" Nope", Andrew said following Jake.

"Where are they going? ", Laura asked.

" Bro time. We will go and spy on them", Shane said pulling Harry along with him.

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