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Hello lovelies,

I missed you all guys. Sorry for not updating early. To make it up, tonight I am gonna update three chapeter in a row. HARRY is dropped by here to say hi to you guys. I dedicate this chapter to RainAndStories for making amazing cover for my book which is presently used as cover now.

Happy learning



Bella came face to face with Anna who came out of the room where Shane was sleeping. When Anna's eyes met Bella's their eyes widened like eyes of deer in spotlight. Both panic and shock traced their feature.

"What are you doing here?", Both exclaimed in unison.

"You should answer first ", Anna said.

"I was... drinking water. What else will I be doing here at this time?", Bella answered which seemed to convince Anna.

"By the way, what were you doing in Shane's room?", Bella asked crocking her eyebrow and smiled mischievously at her.

"It's not what you think", Anna denied quickly.

"Then? Oh! You mean more than that", Bella said with a mischievous smile in her face.

"Oh my god! Please stop this for heaven's sake. I said it's not it. I will show you my art but no laughing, okay?", Anna said sighing.

"It depends", Bella said.

"No Please", Anna whined.

"Okay and for God's sake stop whining like a crazy dog", Bella said laughing.

Anna sneaked into guy's room. The dim light which creaked out from the window made the scene before them visible. Anna walked into the room like a undercover detective with Bella hot in her feet. Not only Bella's but also Anna's eyes widened on seeing the scene before them. They exchanged glances. Bella was trying hard not to laugh but Anna laughed breaking the silence. She soon covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

Harry and Shane were cuddling in single cot. Shane's lip was painted deep red and his eyes glittered due too dark blue eye shadow. His cheeks flared pink. As a whole, he looked like  five years old who dressed like her mother. On top of that, Harry was drooling on Shane.

"How did you make this happen?", Bella asked astonished.

"I did not do anything ", Anna said

"Hey! come on", Bella nudged her.

"Hey! I swear I did not have anything to do with this", Anna whispered pointing Harry and Shane, "May be I took some efforts to make Shane beautiful"

"Beautiful? Really?", Bella laughed raising her eyebrow.

"Yep. I couldn't sleep so I checked others. Everyone was sleeping. When I opened the guest room, Harry was sleeping peacefully on the bed while Shane was asleep on the ground. I thought I could get revenge on this jerk for being mean to me. So I gave him this amazing makeover", Anna narrated animatedly.

"oh ok. Then how did they end up cuddling?", Bella asked.

"No idea. May be Shane started sleep walking or something", Anna chuckled.

"Idea", Bella said smiling evilly.

"What?", Anna asked.

"I got an idea. How about we capture their priceless expressions when the wake up and find themselves cuddling?", Bella asked smirking.

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