CHAPTER 19: Day four (someone is a scary cat)

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Hi lovelies,

Sorry for mistakes guys. Its unedited too. please understand. I will edit it soon *puppy dog eyes*

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Here you go guys!!!!



"Do you attend same school as Matt?" Harry asked Lucy.

"Me? School? My god! I am freaking 19. I attend college" Lucy said laughing

"I thought you were Matt's younger sister" Shane said sadly.

"Oh really?" Lucy asked laughing

"Luckily I like older girls" Harry said winking at Lucy

"Sadly I don't date younger guys especially you" Lucy said to harry

"Then try me" Shane said which earned him a glare from Anna.

"Guys please stop this flirting. Whatever I am gonna see if the food is ready or not" Anna snapped as she walked to kitchen

"Do you need some help?" Anna asked.

'What are you saying Bella? You was about to confess to him. You dump he is freaking popular playboy who changes girlfriend like shirt. Did you forget that? If Anna didn't interrupt you would have become a laughing stock by now' Bella thought

As Anna didn't get any answer she said "Did I interrupt something?"

"I don't want you to burn this kitchen. So I don't want your help, shortie" Jake said mockingly

"Everything is ready. You can call others" bella said.

"I will. Ella" Anna said.

"You were about to say something, right?" jake asked her

"yeah.... I was about to say... I liked... your company too" bella said.

"Great" Jake muttered.

"I can taste it, right? It wont be like last one, right?" Bella asked him.

"Hope so" Jake said laughing . Bella ate a spoonful.

"mmm......My god! Its awesome, jake. you are the best cook ever" Bella said

"Thank you" Jake said. Everyone came and took their seats in the table.

"Is it even edible?" Jessie asked looking at pasta like a alien.

"Should I call ambulance before I eat?" Laura asked with mock seriousness and pretending to dial someone in her phone.

"You didn't poison mine as revenge, right?" Andrew asked.

"Hell no" Jake replied.

"Come on guys! It's really awesome" Bella said.

"mm.... Jake" Lucy said as she gave him thumps up.

"Jay I am gonna kidnap you and make you my slave" Jessie said.

"hahaha No way" Jake chuckled.

"Wow! Jake it's better than restaurant" Laura praised.

"Not bad" Anna commented.

"Anna doesn't like human food. From tomorrow remember me to feed her Gorilla food" Shane said mockingly

"Shut up, shany boy" Anna hissed.

"Gorilla" Shane said

"My god! stop it" Andrew yelled

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