☆-Secret Revealed!-☆

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This is your profile:

Name: Cha Miyeon

Personality: Strong but frail, funny and cute

Appearance: Long, straight black hair, brown eyes

~ Your POV ~

"Today there will be a new student joining us in our class. Please welcome her and make her feel comfortable," the teacher told the new class you were about to join. He signalled for you to enter the classroom. You walked in calmly after taking a deep breath. You stood in front of the class beside the teacher's table. "Nice to meet everyone!~ I am Cha Miyeon, hope to get along with all of you!~" You said cheerfully. You wandered around, trying to get used to your surroundings. That was your bad habit, being captured by your new surroundings. Everyone stared at you, finding you strange. Whispers could be heard around the classroom. But, one boy looked at you with glistening eyes, finding you unique.

~ XiuMin's POV ~

The vibe she gave me was different from the creaming and crazy fan girls. When she finally snapped out of it, she turned around. Our eyes immediately locked. It felt like there was only me and her in the classroom. The seat next to me was allocated to her. "Miyeon, your seat will be next to XiuMin," the teacher said, snapping both of us back to reality. "So your name is XiuMin!~ Nice to meet you..." She told me before fainting on my lap. I startled! She was so cheerful and hyper just a minute ago. "I'll take her to the infirmary," I requested to the teacher. He agreed panicking and asked me to stay with her till she wakes.

~ Your POV ~

"I must have passed out again you thought as the last thing you remembered was talking to XiuMin. You slowly opened your eyes, your body started to move by itself again. You sat upright and scanned your surroundings thoroughly. You couldn't get off the bed as there was weight weighing you down on your thigh. You looked closer to realise that it was XiuMin. Although you didn't want to want to disturb his sweet slumber, you had to if not, you could not get off. You shook his shoulder lightly, not wanting to surprise him.

~ XiuMin's POV ~

I felt a soft palm waking me up. My eyelids flutter open to see a beautiful girl, Miyeon. I jerked up in shocked almost instantly. "You're awake," I said still half-asleep. "You were the one that was sleeping!~" She responded. I turned scarlet red, and my cheeks burned up. She must have found it amusing as she started giggling to herself. She looked cuter when she laughed. She was strong yet frail, and her cheerfulness makes people calm. I knew at once, she was different in a good way. She didn't seem to know my status and background. She saw the true me, just XiuMin.

~ Your POV ~

He was cute and had a baby face, not that it was bad. Hid presence soothed me. "Can we be friends?" you asked the most lamest question shyly. "Sure why not?" He replied with a smile.

~-~-~-Time Skip-~-~-~

As we walked down the halls together for lunch, I realised al lot of girls were whispering to each other and some were running up to him to give gifts. By the time we reached the end of the hall and entered the canteen, his arms could not hold anymore gifts. "You really are popular, just like an idol!~" I told him mockingly. "Not really, I''m not that popular..." He said in denial. To find out the truth, I start eavesdropping on conversations.

"OMG!!~ EXO'S XIUMIN IS HERE!~" They whispered-shouted.


Hi!~ This is a collaboration with a friend. I have tagged her in many of my other stories and my status. Be sure to follow her!~ Thank you.

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