Guilty Or Innocent, Part 1 / 3

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I am back my marshy mellows!~ I am here to give you a new chapter after 2 months. Hehe, I have been slacking and in the slumps so on wards!~

~ Your POV ~

You woke up to a mirror-full room. It felt nostalgic, the scent and scene. It was EXO's Dance Room. You and the group slept over here after a tiring training and remorseful day. "Daddy and Mommy would not want me to be sad. I got to cheer up!" You slapped yourself to snapped out of it and got up. Breakfast, the most important meal of the day was always skipped by the young boys. SO, you decided to make some that morning. Opening the mini refrigerator, you took out the ingredients needed to make your favourite starting meal.

It took a long time than usual due to the drastic increase in the amount of people. You set them out on the table in the member's respective coloured plates and mugs full of various sweet and cold beaverages. "Wake up you sleepy heads!" You bellowed with your voice echoing in the enormous studio. "AH!" "Five more minutes..." "Noooooooo!~" "Don't disturb me weakling!" "Mommy!" And other various whinings or unwilling replied hitting you. "NOW!" You let out the temper you were holding in from the beginning of the first rejection to your wake up call.

~ XiuMin's POV ~

Mi's voice woke me up, being the kid I was, I refused to wake up. Her reaction was the shocking factor of today's morning. I realised I was on the chilly, rock hard floor which was recently polished. "I'm awake Mi!" I muttered under my breath as loudly as possible, unfortunately she just grew more furious and started to shake the members with her strength. Even Tao woke up! Her motherly side came out again as I smelled the fresh aroma of honey maple syrup.

I followed the sweet smell that led me to our table for snack time. There lay 14 plates of waffles coated in fresh honey. "Wow! They smell delicious! You didn't have to do this for us Mi!" I exclaimed in awe. She truly is trying to get over it... Everyone got up as soon as they heard their eldest member shout, running towards me, they all gasped in happiness and shock.

~ Your POV ~

They gobbled down the velvety pancakes while it was still piping hot. They looked as though they were on cloud nine. You ate your handmade breakfast swiftly while checking your social media. Many of your friends and relatives were sad by the news and told you to cheer up. Their encouragement was greatly appreciated. "I'm sitting here, in a boring room~" Your phone rang as your favourite music started playing as your ring tone. "Hello? Cha Miyeon speaking, how can I help you?" You answered the annoynimous caller. "Good morning, this is the police station at ____ speaking. We were investigating on how your house was set ablaze. Apparently there was someone else at the scene who fled away as soon as the fire broke out. We suspect that he or she killed your oarents with the fire." The police officer stated.

The news shocked you. What was happening? Who would want to kill your parents? They were innocent!

Hey everyone. I couldn't continue this chapter as I am dealig with lots of stress and bullying. I hope that you will understand. The next chapter shall be coming out as soon as possible. Take care~♡

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