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Thanks for your time reading all this, I really appreciate it.

~ Your POV ~

The bullying ended ever since the group of girls got suspended and XiuMin stood up for you. Now you and XiuMin had your peaceful lives back again. "Mi!~" He called you and hugged you from behind. "Yes?" You asked between giggles. "I think we should give each other nicknames, my members told me about it. Therefore..." He said, words trailing off. "Sure! I will be Mi (Short form of Miyeon), and you will be Baozi because of that habit of yours called puffing up cheeks to look like a 'Bao'," you replied beaming like an idiot. He nodded in agreement immediately joining you by smiling like an idiot too. You nicknames were set.

You -> Mi

Him-> Baozi

"Ring!~" The bell rung, signalling the start of walking to fifth period. Both of you slung your bags over one shoulder and left for fifth period-- Mathematics. You loved mathematics, you always got a high mark as you listened in class for every single detail on it. But, XiuMin hated it and dreaded to attend the lesson, saying that it did not help in life unlike language and science which helped him a lot for his Idol job. You told him off by saying that it did help with simple things such as money and so on. In the end, both of you just shrugged and laughed the matter off and continued walking to class.

~ XiuMin's POV ~

I still had not ask her the most important matter yet... Maybe I'll ask her later after this period. After listening to the boring lesson, I saw Mi's eyes brighten up and sparkle with enthusiasm. *Sigh* I will never understand her. "Mi, let's go for lunch," I told her breaking her out of her 'mathematics is wonderful' land and getting off my seat.. She stood up along with me in agreement. We walked to the canteen with my usual getting lots of gifts routine. Once there, we ordered and collected our food before going to our seats to eat. I had to ask her now! I cleared my throat and asked Mi," i, will you... come with to practice with me after school today to meet my members?" ( What did you think? A confession?) She looked taken aback before replying in the sweetest way possible, " Okay then!~ I'll have to tell my parents first though." I smiled to show I was elated with her response.

Lessons continued as usual and after all of them, we left for Mi's house to grab some extra clothes. "They should be in school," I said subconsciously. "Are you the oldest member or something? Why would you say that all of a sudden?" She asked jokingly while giving me a smirk. "Yes I am actually," I replied her straightforward and returned the smirk. I could hear her stop in her tracks as her shoes did not make any noises. I turned around to see what happened and I saw her jaw drop. "Are you okay Mi?" I asked while rushing up to her to assist her. Then she started laughing non-stop. "You? My baby faced best friend ever? No way!" She said still laughing hysterically. I puffed up my cheeks to show I was irritated and annoyed by her response. "See? I told you, Baozi!~" She poked my nose slightly before running forward. "Mi!~" I shouted playfully while chasing her.

~ Your POV ~

After lessons, you walked to the car with Baozi and texted your mom as well to inform her of what is happening today.

"Dear Beloved Mom,

Today I will joining XiuMin during his dance practice. I will be slightly late tonight, maybe around 7pm?

- Sweetheart Miyeon"

In a few seconds she replied you ,

" Sorry sweetheart, I just called oppa which is their manager to inform him of your arrival. I also asked for permission for you stay in their dorm as me and your father will be working through the night and no one will be at home with you. Since it is dangerous to be at home by yourself, you will stay in XiuMin's room."

Upon seeing this text sent to you, your read it over and over a dozen of times before running to XiuMin. In the far distance in front of you, you saw your Baozi's broad back. You tackled it and yelled "Look at this!" You handed him your phone and after reading it, his eyes lit up.

~ XiuMin's short ending POV ~

My eyes lit up because of two things I saw.

1. Mi's mother knows my manager well till she knows his phone number

2. Mi will be staying in dorm with me

~ Third person POV ~

What was going to happen next was covered by a thick layer of dark grey fog.


Sorry for not uploading. I'll try my best as now my exams are here. During my free time this and next week, I will upload this so stay tuned!~

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