☆-Metting EXO!-☆

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Hey!~ Wrote another chapter on my notepad and now it is time to upload it. I have about another 2 chapters done up on my notepad, it is just that I can't find a good time to upload. 

~ XiuMin's POV ~

"Is my manager mad? How could he make girl and a boy rest together. Moreover, in the evening!" I said trying to avoid using the word 'sleep'. I will have to call my manager! I whipped out my phone and unlocked it, tapping my thumb over the Keypad app and tapped my manager's number in. 

"Ring ring ring!~"

"Hi XiuMin, I bet you called to ask why I put you and Cha Chloe's daughter together right? Well, it is because it will get interesting. Bye!~ Unlike you, I am really busy with your schedule," The manager replied me immediately and hung up, not giving me a chance to argue back. After I gained back my composure, I kept my phone back into my pocket. "My manager is your mother's oppa and he hung up on me..." I pouted back at Mi. "Haha, I know your manager well too," She smiled at me while I stared at her dumbfounded. We hopped into the car and had a nice chat on the way to her house to grab necessities for the stay. Afterwards we left for the studio. 

~-~-~-Time Skip-~-~-~

"Done! Let's get going!" She shouted in excitement after packing everything into a floral patterned backpack.

~ You POV ~

You skipped all the way to the black van assigned for you and Baozi. You were finally going to meet the people who brighten up Baozi's days even with his packed schedule. You could imagine all of you laughing, smiling and enjoying your time there. Maybe even staying up all night. you shook the thought out of your mind. "They have a busy schedule and have to sleep early, you shouldn't disturb Miyeon!" You yelled to yourself in your head.

In a blink of an eye you were at the feet of the doors leading you to where all the members were--the dance studio. The door was automated and it opened after the sensor sensed your presence at the door. "Welcome to Exo's dance studio!~" The 11 members in front of you cheered. Party poppers made loud explosion noises and loud cheerful voices could be heard. Baozi smacked his forehead with the palm of his right hand and let out a great sigh. He grabbed you by your hand and pulled you gently into the room full of mirrors. It was decorated with posters related to their up-coming comeback. "Hi!~" you managed to speak out with your sweetest honey-like smile. You were soon sitting down in a circle so they could know more about you better.

"What is your favourite hobby?" A happy-go-lucky Baekyeon asked first.

"Singing!" You replied Baekyeon who was now smiling like mad till it was creepy. You wondered how his mouth was able to stretch so wide. After he begged you to sing a few line of a song, you finally gave in and sang. Your voice was beautiful and made all of them mesmerised, even Baozi.

"What is your favourite colours?" The happy virus Chanyeol asked next.

"Blue and yellow," You answered the drama king who was now acting like he was shot by your sweet voice.

The questions went on and on, it felt like an interview! You kept smiling, trying your best to not show that you were annoyed. But Baozi saw through you like you was transparent and shouted to his members, " Stop it guys, she is getting tired, let her rest for a while. We have to start practice too!" "Woah!!!~" They all said in unison astonished. You saw a dash of scarlet appear across his face. "Bye!~" You said to them as they stood up and left to continue dance practice like before. You watch them as they smoothly glide across the room and dance everywhere making use of the space given. Their up-coming comeback song was "Love Me Right" and they were killing it in your eyes, especially your Baozi. You laughed when he fell behind in the music and missed his turn to sing, he laughed back at you as well.

~ XiuMin's POV ~

Everyone was having fun. I felt heat rise to the deep ends of my heart. "She talked to Luhan the most. My bast friend! Wait... what am I thinking?" I thought to myself as I danced. Something was wrong with me and I had to find out what and quick!

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