Note: chapters titled as journal entries may be heavily unedited and rather short. They are posted just to share thoughts, realizations, reflections, etc.
"Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." Mark 13:33 NIV
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In the Old Testament you often see the Israelites and other peoples being conquered by another nation whenever they turn away from God.
If we are not following God and letting Him be our master and conqueror, then we will be conquered by the world, whether we like it or not.
Like whenever the Israelites wanted to be like other nations and have kings instead of following God-or when the Northern part relied on Assyria and the other part relied on Egypt (i think)-God didn't force them to be with Him. He warned them of the consequences of being ruled by worldly masters.
So basically, it's like this: the people of God are tempted by what the world offers, so they go away from God— out from their protection, out of their saved state. God gave us free will. God allows them to be taken/overcome (I can't find a good word bro) by the world or another nation. feel like believers giving in to sin is similar to how the Israelites want to be eloped into worldly affairs with the other nations. Sometimes, maybe God's like, "since you think you know better, you can do this and see why it's so bad." Not gonna lie I feel like God allows this for believers sometimes so that we can see why God didn't want us to sin. Then there's the realization that sin isn't what they thought it was. They repent and lament. God delivers them from their sin.
God is so good and faithful. Since the beginning of time, He's been delivering us from trouble. Thats the salvation plan— Jesus. Even though a lot of the time we put ourselves in these situations and willfully sin, He delivers us. This lady from a live performance of Made a Way by Tasha Cobbs said: " 'God, since you told me not to go into this situation and I did anyway, you don't have to save me. I'll figure it out myself.' No, the God that we serve is faithful to get you out of any mess that you put yourself in. He is faithful to rescue you from it."
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Thanks for reading! God bless you.
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14