Christmas Special Part 2

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Before we start. I know the Flash of the show is Wally West, and I'm not here to say, "Let's pretend this is Barry Allen, not his nephew." We're not doing that.

For the sake of the story, they see The Flash but have no clue who it is behind the mask. They just believe it is Barry, not Wally. I want the reveal of the Flash to be saved for a rainy day, especially towards my theory of Wally West returning to Young Justice and that he also brought the lore Speed Force with him. I honestly believe that in Young Justice, Barry hasn't discovered the Speed Force yet, but I believe YJ plans to have Wally be the one who discovers the force, which may also lead to the Blackest Night event.

As for the Justice League show, I have plans to have them react to one "saga". That would be mainly Focus on Hawk Girl.

I also plan to bring the Saga title Furies and the episode, The Man Who Has Everything.

So please enjoy the reaction.

MHA reacts to Young Justice

Christmas Special: The new adventures of Batman: Holiday Knight, and 2001 Justice League: Comfort and Joy.

Remember the audience doesn't see the title, it creates mystery.

00:00 - 00:48

Christmas Day.

Location: Space

The next episode starts with Martian Manhunter and the Justice League helping to save the planet and its people from crushing to another foreign Planet

The whole audience was in shock to see a possible doomsday event. They have seen Outrageous Storms, Volcano Eruptions, and Astroids almost destroying the planet Earth. They never thought it would be possible for another planet to destroy Earth, or in this case, another planet, if the Heroes didn't do something to save both planets the people from both habitats would be doomed to exaction.

The Heroes are listening to J'onn about what is happening and why another planet is headed to Planet A. "So J'onn is telepathing communicating with the people of the other planet in helping build." Melissa removed her glasses from the device that the Justice League was building. The would take centuries to even make this device that would benefit the foreign planet. "The Justice invention is nuts, but it's being made in front of her. She knows the bright minds of the I-Island League are making a machine that will stabilize the gravity of the other planet. So they wouldn't be floating to space thanking them somewhere unsafe and dangerous. Such as a black hole, a Sun, or another Planet."

The audience gasped at the reality in front of them.

"So the planet isn't attacking the other planet with their planet, but rather their planet is just floating in space for who knows how long!" Ochaco is shocked at what happening on screen. "How is that possible? How did that planet leave the rotation of their solar system?"

"I don't know?" Melissa replied. "I doubt the people of that planet know as well. However, according to Martian Manhunter, their scientist knows how to build a device to stabilize their gravity. For their planet to stop roaming around space. The worst case scenario they could have ended up at a black hole, a sun, or even another planet to their doom."

Her uncle asked. "So what would happen once the Gravity Stabilizer is built? Will the Milky Way have a new 9th planet?!"

Melissa wasn't sure what to say to her uncle. "I don't know, Uncle Might, let's just see what will happen once it's done being built by the Justice League. Because!" She pointed at the screen. "I don't want to find out if they fail. The Justice League holds the fate of both planet and their survival."

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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