New start

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Hermione's P.O.V.

I had spent the summer in Greece, learning combat stuff, like fighting physically and strategies, different spells and stuff. It was really interesting, and I had changed a lot over the summer.
My hair was bleached by the sun, so it had blond stripes in it. My skin had turned golden and my muscle mass had improved greatly. Overall I was really satisfied with myself and my self esteem had grown greatly. I knew I looked good and I used it. No shame, I was still the same me, but I was tired of being the boring know-it-all from Hogwarts and I wanted some change.
That's why I'm really lookig forward to going back to Hogwarts. Not only will I see my friends again, after 2 months, but I have great plans for this year.


"Come on! No! Please, just, stay right here little fellow!"
I finally got my new kitten, Loi, and placed him in his cage. Then I ran around, grabbig the rest of my things in my new apartment, and stuffed them into my suitcase. Lastly, I grabbed Loi's cage and my suitcase before aparating to platform 9 3/4.

"Hermione dear! We were afraid you wouldn't make it! How are you? "
"I'm fine Mrs. Weasley, just a little stressed. This little fellow here didn't want to stay in his cage!"
"Oh my! You got a new kitten. What happened to Crookshanks?"
"He passed away a few weeks ago. He got an infection in Greece and he didn't make it..."
"Oh, I'm so sorry dear, I had no idea!"
"it's okay, besides how could you? Anyways I must be going now, say hello to Mr. Weasley for me?"
"Of course dear. Of you go and take care!"

I took one last look at Mrs. Weasley and borded the train. It took some time before I found the compartment with the others.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"
I stiffled a giggle, and looked at Ginny. The summer had been good to her.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe your bestfriend?"

Ginny flung herself into my open arms.
I laughed at the expression at Ron's and Harry's faces.
"Yes, it's me. Have I really changed that much?"
"Do you really have to ask after that episode?" Ron asked me.
I just laughed and took a seat next to Ron. After our kiss in the Chamber of Secrets, we had decided that we both didn't want something serious, but that we could have a so called 'fling'.
I gently kissed him at the cheek, before catching up with all of them.
Apparently Harry had given Ginny a promise ring, and she proudly showed me the elegant ring. It was nothing big, but two silver strings twisted around each other and brought together by a knot. On top of the knot was a small diamond stone.
"It was Lily's promise ring given to her from James. Harry wanted to continue the tradition."
"Aw, how sweet! But how did you get it Harry?"
"I found it in my vault in an envelope. With it was a letter from my parents. They wanted me to give it to someone I see a future with. Someone I really love."
I smiled as I watched Harry and Ginny gaze into each other's eyes. They were really a perfect couple.
Then a sertain someone had to ruin the moment.
"Excuse me, but have anyone seen Granger?"
I turned towars the familiar blondie in the doorway.
"What do you want ferret?"
Malfoy looked stunned by my new looks.
"Umm, uuhhh... professor McGonagall wishes to see us both in her compartment. Immediately."
I stood up, grabbing my wand.
"Fine. I'll see you guys later, okay?"
Ginny, Harry and Ron all gave Malfoy hate looks.
"Just be careful, okay?"
Ron said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I gave him a quick smile and nod, before entering the very small hallway leading to professor McGonagall's compartment.

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