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Hermione's P.O.V.

I felt oddly nice after my little meeting with draco that night, and the night couldn't get better, or that's what I thought. When I came back up to the griffindor tower, I found a letter laying by my bed. My curiosity was killing me, so I opened it, even though I really needed a shower.

Dear miss Granger.

I just wanted to inform you, since it's been two weeks since your visit at the ministry, that we have recovered other people's memory with much success.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Kingsley Shacklebolt.

I smiled at the though. There definitely was hope for my parents now. I quickly grabbed some parchment and my quill and wrote him back.

Dear Mr. Shacklebolt

I want to recover my parents memory, but can I visit them first?
I don't have to talk or meet with them, I just want to see how they are, before making the final decision.

Hermione Granger.

I stuffed the parchment into an envelope and sent it with Ginny's owl. I watched it fly away, into the dark night, as I grabbed some pj's and hopped into the shower.

I woke up the next day by two owls tapping at the window.

"Hermione! Get those god damn owls away from here! I want to sleep."

Ginny's voice was cutting trough my sleepiness, and I jumped out of bed and opened the window. I gave the owls some treats, while I read the letters.

Dear miss Granger.

Of course you can visit your parents, but like you said, it'll be wise to not make contact until you've reached your decision. Just talk with the headmistress and sort thing out, then you'll see your parents again.

Kingsley Shacklebolt.

I extremely happy that I would get to see my parents, it's been so long since I had to say good bye. I then realised I had two letters, and practically ripped open the letter of pure curiousness.

Dear Hermione.

I hope to see you at the wishing well in the park friday at 12.

Sincerely, your George.

I just stared at the pice og parchment in my hand. George wanted to meet me again, I got that right, and I very much wanted to see him again, but I had school! As much as I've changed, I still couldn't drop out of school! Was he out og his mind?
I grabbed some parchment and wrote back Kingsley, before shoing of the owl with the letter. Then I was left with George's.

Dear George

I would very much like to meet you, but in case you have forgotten something I'm still in school, so if you can't reschedule, then I'm afraid I can't.

Sincerely, your Hermione.

Honestly, I was a bit annoyed that he would want to meet at a Friday at 12, in the middle of the school time, but then again, this was George we were talking about.

After I had pondered over the sorta weird note from George, I realized what time it was and quickly sent the letter. Then I wasted no time,but jumped into the shower, only to be burned by the hot water.
A few chosen words escaped my mouth. So, after an incredible hot shower, I practically jumped into my robes, which is kinda difficult if you think about it.
Anyways. I had only fifteen minutes to eat breakfast and get to the dungeons in time for potions, so once again, I wasted no time.

"Ah! Miss Granger, so nice of you to join us. Just on time." Professor Snughorn said.

I almost blushed, but reminded myself of the new me, so instead, I quickly scanned the room. No surprise. Harry sat with Ginny and Ron with Lavender. In the end, I realized that the only unoccupied seat was next to Draco.
I could see the look of disgust on my friends face's, but I just ignored them and flashed Draco a smile worth a million galleons.

"Hi, mind if I take a seat?" I asked, but instead of waiting for the answer I just sat down and pulled out my books.

"Geez, you don't have to ask if you don't even wait for the answer, stranger." Draco responsed teasingly. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. He could be so silly sometimes.

When I looked over to my friends, I almost laughed out loud, since their eye's were almost popping out of their sockets at the sight of me and Draco together. Actually, when I looked around, everyone was stunned to see and Draco sivil towards each other. A very stupid looking grin then appeared on both of our faces when we realized this.
"Miss Granger, would you mind to move your big bum off of my books?" Draco asked in a very high pitched, formal voice. I giggled.

"Certainly not, Mr. Malfoy. I keep my bum wherever I want. Thank you very much."

Everyone around us was just stunned. No one could believe what was happening in front of them.

"Well then, Hermione" he put emphasis on my name. " would you mind if I, slytherin?"
Malfoy snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I couldn't help but feel butterflies erupt in my stomach, but I was having too much fun to think about it.

"certainly not, Draco." I too put emphasis on the name. Then we both looked up to the front of the class, and pretended like nothing happened, nor that Draco still had his hand around my waist.
When everyone stopped staring, the whispers had gone away, and the professor had started teaching again, I could feel Draco making small, calming circles at my waist, and I couldn't help but smile and feel butterflies flying like crazy in my stomach.

Author's note :

I know it's short, but I wrote it on, like 30 minutes or something, because where I live, it's night time, and I have school tomorrow.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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