Far Away From Everyone I Know

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Hermione's P.O.V.


When I opened my eyes, I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. I turned to look at George.

"Did... Did you do all this for me?"

I could see a smile tugging at his lips, but he tried to remain serious.

"What? No, of course not. I did it for that flower over there." He pointed at a rosebush, and I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness.

"Come on." He tugged at my hand, and leaded me over to a red and white picnic-blanket. George had apparated us to a cave. I know, that sounds awful, but this was a beautiful cave. It was open at the top, so sunlight flowed in, and made a home for plants and insects. Even though it was autumn, inside the cave it was warm and fuzzy, almost like there was multiple fireplaces roaring with fire. It was like a paradise. The picnic-blanket was placed in the middle, where the sun shone, and right beside it was a little pond. There where water lillies and butterflies. I couldn't quite believe there were butterflies until one landed on my hand.

I sat down in awe, with my mouth wide open. I didn't realize it until George pointed it out, which made us both laugh. I don't know, it was just so easy to be with him. George found a casket out of nothing, almost like magic. Pun intended. I was still so surprised by the beauty by that place that I had completely forgotten about my situation. I was even more surprised when a little bunny came over and said hello.

"George, look!" I whisper-shouted to him, when the little bunny sniffed my hands. I carefully moved my hands, and was relieved when the bunny didn't run, but let me pet it. "It's so soft!"

George chuckled. "You know, you're really cute right now." I had no idea what to say, so I didn't say anything, just smiled shyly at him.

When I shifted my attention from the cute little bunny, I found a picnic-blanket decorated with food and desserts and heavenly beverage. George had brought blueberry pie, brownie, vanilla ice cream, chocolate mousse and many other desserts and treats. Oh, and strawberries!

"I love strawberries!" I squealed and grabbed one, immediately almost shoving it into my mouth because I was so excited. When I saw the smug look on George's face, I almost certainly looked like a question mark.

"What, do I have something on my face?" When I got the confirming smile, my face flushed and I tried to get that something off my face.

"Here, let me get it." George moved closer to me, and I could almost tell what would happen. I looked into his eyes when he carefully moved his hand to brush something from the corner of my mouth. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I realized it was the green thingy from the strawberry. How on earth did that end up there?! When I looked up again, my eyes crashed with George's.

"You know, you really are beautiful." He said, in a very low and sexy voice may I add. I knew what would happen next. His hand still lingered by my cheek, and it was ment to happen. George inched closer, and I could feel my breath hitch in my throat. He smelled so familiar, so... so... Ron!

I quickly inched backwards when I realized what I was thinking. I could see the confused look on his face, which was reflected by my very panicking expression. I quickly stood up. All my emotions was raging. The air around me got hotter, so so much hotter. That's when I realized my hands were on fire again. I looked up again to meet some very surprised, but hurt blue eyes.

I didn't know what to do, so I did exactly what I shouldn't have done, I apparated to somewhere far away from everyone I knew.


Draco's P.O.V.

It had been almost twenty-four hours since Hermione's disappearance, and this was not good. I knew she was upset and all, but I didn't think she would run away when I left her in the woods. Ir did I? I shook the feeling. Of course I didn't know that she would run away, she's a gryffindoor for god's sake! She's brave, she's supposed to be strong and stay. What am I thinking, of course Hermione is strong, she just needs some time. I nodded at this thought. I hadn't realized I had paced back and forth for five minutes until Pansy came over.

"Drakey, is everything okay?" Her slimy voice cut through my thoughts, and I was that close to wince when I heard her.

"Go away Pansy."

"Why? you seem like you need some... help." I immediately understood the double meaning of her words, but just the thought of that disgusted me.

"I said, go away pansy."

"You know I can help you Drakey, you only have to admit."

"Admit what?" I snapped back.

"That you need me. You need me to get ridd of that disgusting mudblood."

I twirled around and glared at her. "Don't ever call her that. Her name is Hermione." I growled.

"Oooo, Drakey wakey has a soft spot for the little mudblood." Pansy was enjoying this, I knew that. The little smile playing at her lips was confirmation enough, but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of breaking me, like she did last year.

"Back off Pansy. Or you'll regret it. I mean it." I took one threatening step towards her, and the fright in her eyes was all the confirmation I needed. By that, I turned around, and stomped out of the castle.

Why was she always after me? I couldn't give her what she wanted after all. Me and Pansy had been on and off ever since third year. She was fine back then, not as clingy and gross, but over the years, she had just gotten more and more... blah!

I looked up at the stars. How could they shine so bright, and still be so small? I mean, there are thousands of them, and still we have names for most of them. How can they be so unike?

At that moment, Hermione walked in on my thoughts. She was unike, I knew that. The way she flipped her hair, or how she always hugged her books, or bit her lower lip when she was concentrating enough. It was just so mesmerizing. Hang on a second, did I just think that?!

Yeah, yeah you did. And you imagined it too, said a tiny voice inside me.


Authour's note:

You have no idea how hard this chapter was to write. Hopefully, it didn't suck that bad...

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