I'm a what?!

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*2:weeks later*

Hermione's P.O.V

I sat down besides Ginny at the Gryffindor table. I still didn't I talk to Ron, and he had eventually given up. Harry had found out what happened, and he and Ginny had yelled him from one side of the school to the other. He also got a howler from mrs. Weasley, letting the whole school know what happened. They where not pleased. Even the slytherins scowled at Ron every chance they got.

Ron was now together with Lavender, and she shot me a victorysmile every time she could. I barely noticed, since there was something else on my mind. A mystery to solve.

I grabbed a toast and some cheese and started eating until the post arrived. I never got any letters, since my parents were still obliviated. They didn't know anything of me or the wizarding world.
I didn't bother paying attention to the owls, so you could only kmagine how surprised I was when a leter dropped down in front of me.
The letter was written in the neatest handwriting I had ever seen.

Dear miss Hermione Granger.

I, the minister of magic, want to inform you that we might are able to restore your parents memory after you obliviated them to protect them.
Come see me at the ministry friday at 11 am. We can discuss the further matters then.

Kingsley Shacklebolt.

I looked up after reading the letter. So much was happening, I could feel happiness and relief but also sadness. I coukd feel the stares at me.

"Hermione, your eyes are shiftibg rapidly and you're glowing! Like actually emitting a glow!" Ginny informed me.

I looked at myself, and she was right, I was glowing. I looked up at the High table inly to meet the worried look of dusin teachers. But the only one who caught my eye, were headmistress McGonagall's.

I stood up and ram out of the Great hall, out of the castle, all the way out to the black lake. I sat down, conflicted.
'What if they don't remember me? What if they don't want me anymore? What if they see how much I've changed?'
I felt a pair of strong arms surround me and I looked up into a very familiar pair if blue eyes.

"What's wrong Hermione?" Ron asked.
I handed him the letter, and he read it.
"But that's great Hermione! You can stay with you parents again, spend Christmas together, we can invite them over to the Burrow, and... and... why are you so sag Hermione?"

I looked into those kind clear blue eyes, then my own were filled with tears.

"What if they don't remeber me? What if they don't want me anymore? What if they dont like me, the new me? Please, Ron..."

Tears streamed down my face and a few sobs escaped my mouth. I was devastated.
Ron pulled me into a hug, rocking me back and forth like a child, until I had calmed down.
My eyes stopped shifting colour and I wasn't emitting a glow any longer.

If only friday wasn't tomorrow...


I couldn't sleep much that night. Even Loi could only distract me for a couple of minutes before I plunged into my own insecure thoughts. Eventually, I stood up, grabbed my workout clothes running shoes and wand, before getting dressed and walking as silently as possible out of the castle.

I did my normal workout routine without bumping into anyone but I still felt restless. All this energy built up inside of me, I needed to get it out.
I accioed my Thunderbolt and flew to the pitch.
Once there I demounted my broom and conjured a few targets. Then I shot spells, I shot spells nonstop for forty minutes, but I was still restless. That's when Malfoy walked into the pitch.

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