The Prophecy

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Hermione's P.O.V.


I looked around, and was relieved to find my compartment empty. I know I'm supposed to be a gryffindoor, and at heart I really am, but now, I've never felt more like slytherin. I mean, it's not me to just run away like that, but the fact that George's feelings for me apparently was that strong, scared the shit out of me!

I really needed someone to talk to, but I knew I couldn't go back to George, besides how weird wouldn't it be if I talked to George about my feelings for him and how scared I am? that's just weird. seriously. Nor could I talk to Harry, Ron or Ginny. I know this whole fight is stupid. Like, how could I sacrifice my friends of seven years for a guy who's spent most of his life making my life hell? I don't know what's wrong with me, how could I do that?

The person I actually needed to talk to, was my mom. You have no idea how hard it was for me to erase their memories, and now, with the possibility of getting them back, I should've been more ecstatic, but somehow, I didn't feel that it was safe for me to be happy until they were all home, with me, remembering me. Asking me why I did what I did, getting an update on my life, and me getting an update on theirs. Maybe even meet their little new one, if they get one, that is.

I just feel like me being happy isn't allowed. Maybe that's the reason why I ran away from George. His kindness and his hugs was heartwarming an..

*Knock, knock*

I furrowed my brows. No one knew I was here, nor was I late on my rent for the apartment. Maybe someone just got the wrong door. I walked over, and opened the door. To my very big surprise, professor Trelawney stood right outside my door. Her face was white, and she looked very tired. Almost as if she was running from someone.

"Professor, what are you doing here?" I waved my wand, levitating her trunks inside my walls. When they stood safely on the floor, I gently grabbed her arm, and walked her in to my couch.

"I came here as fast as I could."

"Is there something wrong professor? You look a little... Pale. Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?" I stood up, and professor Trelawney stayed quiet. I took that as a yes, and boiled some water. A few moments later, I walked back with two cups of coffee.

"Professor, what's wrong?" I never really liked her, but in our fifth year, when that frog of a woman professor Umbridge, tried to kick her out from Hogwarts, Trelawney had gotten herself a spot in my heart. How, I do not know, but the important matter was that she was here, and obviously needed help.

"I told you, I came as fast as I could, dear."

"Yes, you've already said that. But there must be something you want to tell me, isn't there professor?" I intently looked her in the eyes, and it didn't take long until she looked away.

"There is danger everywhere, darling. You must keep yourself safe. Must'nt walk around without someone with you." She mumbled.

"Professor, what are you saying?" I furrowed my eyes at her sayings. The war was over, the horcruxes was gone, and I was safe. Right? Before I could ruminate on that question, professor Trelawney's cup of coffee fell to the floor, and spilled the content. I was so caught up in the cup, that I hadn't noticed her pupils were black, and her body was shaking.

I felt the couch moving, and that's when I looked at her, no longer worried about the lost cup of coffee. Her voice was raspy, and she seemed gone.

"The last Descendant will feel immense pain, she will go trough with the transformation. She will rise and shine, along with the dragon of our time.

Together they shall become as one, one shall feel the others pain, one shall feel the others love, one shall feel the others desires. Mind and body, together as one.

Even in the lightest of times, there is dark. The darkness shall rise, a war will come, life shall drain the other one, and soon, she is alone.

She'll find happiness even in the darkest of times, if she only remembers to turn on the light."

Professor Trelawney let out a breath of air, and she seemed gone, like dead gone. Well that is, until her eyes suddenly were wide open, and she desperately gulped down air like she had been out for a very long time.

I tried to calm her down, and get her to stay, but she wouldn't have it.

"I can't bring you such trouble and danger, miss Granger. I must go." The professor shakily stood up, and grabbed her suitcases.

"Professor. Wait. Why would you bring be danger?"

"The world is a terrible place Hermione, there is no such thing as safety, only the lack of danger. I must go now, take care, and please, don't come after me or look for me." She blinked at me, and staggered out the door. Out in the corridor, she rounded the corner and I could hear a faint *pop*. That's when I knew she was gone.

I had no idea what was happening, but something sure stuck to my mind.

"The last Descendant will feel immense pain, she will go trough with the transformation. She will rise and shine, along with the dragon of our time.

Together they shall become as one, one shall feel the others pain, one shall feel the others love, one shall feel the others desires. Mind and body, together as one.

Even in the lightest of times, there is dark. The darkness shall rise, a war will come, life shall drain the other one, and soon, she is alone.

She'll find happiness even in the darkest of times, if she only remembers to turn on the light."

What was this supposed to mean? Who was this dragon that professor Trelawney, professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore talked about?

Why can't I just have a normal quiet life?!

because that's not your destiny.

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