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Author's note:
I'm uploading this one day early, since I wont have internet tomorrow.
Hooe you enjoy! ♥


Hermione's P.O.V

The party that night could only be described in one word: wild!

All the students up til fourth year was chased to bed by the prefects, and a silencing charm was placed at the common room.

Music blasted out from the walls and butterbeer had been conjured.
Everyone danced around, and Harry and Ginny could be found snogging in one corner.

The quidditch team was the center of attention, and at this point there was a chugging competition. Each member of the team was given a bottle of firewiskey, and everyone noticed the frown on my face.

"Come on Hermione! It'll be fun! Just... do it!"
I gave Dean a qiick glare before the countdown started. I put the bottle to my lips like everyone else.

"3....2....1... go!"
I flipped the bottle up, and the content burned in my throat. I swallowed and swallowed.
I felt like my whole body was on fire.
I closwd my eyes to concentrate, and when i opened them again, i saw that it was only me and Finnegan left chugging, and his face was red with concentration and lack of air.

'Dumbass' I though, 'you're supposef to breathe through your nose. I guess not everybody is as smart as me'.

The I saw Finnegan stoo drinking. Someone checked his bottle while he fell to the floor.
I still had to drink though, the rules you know.

"There's more left! Hermione is the winner!"

I could hear distant cheering as i continued drinking.
Bow the whole room focused on me.

"Chug! ....chug!... chug!"

I lifted the bottle from my lips, before flipping it upside down to show there was no more left.

A cheeky grin spread on my face, and i was lifted up in the air, whilr everyone yelled:

"Hermione! Hermione! Hermione!"

The carefully put me down again, and i slightly swayed when I made contact with the ground.

"Let's partyyyyy!"
I yelled out and everyone cheered once again, while I lifted my empty bottle in the air.

I put the bottle to my lips, before realising it was empty. I frowned, but quickly started giggling as a very cute boy came over to me with a butterbeer.

"Here you go" he smiled.

"Thank you" I said, or at leat I attempted to say.

I suddenly fell forward and the boy quickly catched me.
I started gigglibg uncontrollably, but that didn't last for long until I smashed my lips onto his.

At first, the boy was surprised, but he quickly started moving his lips with mine.
I could hear glass breakibg in the distanse as i dropped my butterbeer and put my hands behind his neck, while his snaked around my waist, pulling me closer.

Then, everything went black.


The lessons for the day were over, and the golden trio peacefully ate their dinner along with Ginny. My headache from yesterday still wasnt gone, and the bright light in the Great Hall didn't help.
I hadn't run into this boy from yesterday yet, and I was really happy for that.

I had tried to get Ginny to tell me what happened afterwards, but she just wouldn't tell.

"Remind me to speak with headmistress McGonagall after dinner, okay?" I asked Ginny.
She gave me a confirming nod before continuing eating.

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