Part 15: I'm not worried...

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(so this is technically the timeline of top gun maverick now but I don't wanna copy it word per word like some people do, I'm gonna make it a bit different and way more vague)

Jakes perspective:

I hope Beth isn't too worried that I'm gone. There's no way she's as freaked as I am.

Some of my old classmates from the academy are gonna be on this mission, God I hate them. They are all assholes, but think I'm the dickhead.

After settling in my room at the military hotel on base I decided I might as well go to the bar and see all these idiots I work with.

First guy I saw was Javy, my old friend from school. I fucking love this dude.

"JAKEEEEEEEE," Javy yelled.

"Bro, how've ya been?"

We talked for a while then decided to play pool to pass time and not think about the mission. We still don't know what we're even doing on the mission.

After a bit, fucking Bradly walking in. God I hate that guy, he is a fucking looser and only got in the military cuz his dad was.

I'd never admit this to anyone but he's way good, like almost as good as me at flying.

"Well if it isn't Bradshaw,:

"Shut the fuck up Jake, I do not want to talk to you."

"Right, right. Hey? Hear the song playing? Man... I love this song"

The song playing was "slow ride" by Foghat, thought it'd be perfect for Bradly cuz well, he may be good but he is damn slow when he flies.

*about a minute later*

The music stopped and of course Bradly was sat at the piano, sure he was annoying as hell but damn he could sing. Pretty much all the women in the room were staring at him like he was God himself.

This led me to go back to my room because I was a couple drinks in and too many people wanted to talk.

I texted Beth goodnight one last time, before they take our phones in the morning, and went to sleep.

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