Part 22: I don't know about you

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Beth's perspective:

It's been a couple weeks since the surgery and Jake seems to be doing just fine. He figured how to walk pretty fast with the crutches.

We found out he's getting an award at the military ball coming up. Pretty cool. All because he saved Pete and Bradley, which is the hottest things he's ever fucking done. God I wish I could've seen it happen.

*a few weeks later... the night of the ball*

I finished getting ready, we had a bit more time before we were leaving so I checked my hair one last time and headed downstairs.

My hair was pretty but man I love my dress so much, it's a dark blue satin tight dress. However I think Jake likes it more than I do...

I walked down the stairs to Jake waiting for me.

"Wow, you look stunning." He said.

I took his hand as he helped me down the stairs. "Why thank you. You look as handsome as ever,"

He kissed me and we went to the car.

It was a long drive to the venue but there wasn't much traffic so whatever.

Once we got there I was in awe because it was so beautiful. I went to my junior prom but it was at the high school. My senior prom was at a huge ballroom but I didn't go because nobody asked me and the only guy I wanted to ask me took my friend.

I helped Jake out of the car and we walked inside. Immediately tons of people came to greet us and say congrats to Jake. I swear I introduced myself to 40 people in 30 minutes. Luckily we told everyone Jake had to sit because his leg was hurting. It wasn't, but we had an excuse so we used it.

"Oh my God I didn't realize you are a celebrity!" I said to Jake once we found our table.

"Well I am the best pilot, ever."

"right, right."

I then saw Bradley walk in, alone? I'm shocked he doesn't have a date. From what little I know about him, he's kind of never single. He apparently is always with a girl. Guess not tonight...

"Hey is Bradley seeing anyone?" I asked Jake.

"Uh I don't think so, he was seeing this girl from his hometown, but they broke up before the mission I heard. Why are you asking?"

"I don't know, I feel like you bring a date to these kinds of things so seeing hime alone is strange I guess?"

"Hm, yeah I guess."

Then dinner was served. We ate, talked to the people at our table, all very kind. Then it was time for awards.

"Next up, lieutenant Jake Seresin. This award is for his for his sacrifice. The wingman award." A woman on staged announced.

Jake got up and accepted the award, he said thank you and came right back to his seat.

"I'm so proud of you." I whispered into his ear.

He turned and smirked at me, then mouthed "thank you".

After what felt like forever it was finally time to dance, thank God... some drunk people gave really bad speeches.

Everyone got up to dance but because Jake couldn't so we stayed seated.

"I'm really sorry we can't dance." Jake said grabbing my hand.

"No, it's ok. I'm just glad I get to be here with you."

Then Bradley walked up to us, clearly a bit drunk...

"Hey guys, how are y'all doing?" He said taking the open seat next to me.

"Oh, good." I said... Jake stayed silent.

"Good, good, well I was wondering, because Seresin can't dance, if you'd like to dance with me for a song or two?'

"Uhm, I think I'm ok. Thanks though."

"Cmon, it'll be fun. I don't bite."

Jake seemed put off but said, "You should dance, I feel bad you can't with me. I guess he can fill in for a song."

"I mean, ok, sure. I'll come back after the song is over." I gave Jake a kiss and went to dance.

Jake watched us the whole time, like a fucking hawk.

About halfway through the song (which wasn't a slow song so we didn't really need to touch each other... like at all) Bradley grabbed my waste and starting whispering in my ear.

"You shouldn't be with him," he said "he's bad news, I know he saved me or whatever. But he's an asshole. Anyone who's ever met him could tell you that."

I backed up but he grabbed my hand, and began to speak again, "wait, the song isn't over."

"Fine, but why do you care if I'm with him? It's none of your business really."

"You seemed nice when I met you at the hospital, I think you deserve better."

"But you don't know me at all, dude."

"I wouldn't mind changing that..." He said into my ear.

I backed up and pushed Bradley away from me. Jake staring right at us, got up, limped to the dance floor, and punched Bradley right in the face. Bradley was so drunk he was on the floor laughing while people surrounded him.

"Oh my God. Jake what the hell?"

"I fucking hate him. Why the hell was he trying to get up on you like that?" Jake said.

"I'll tell you in the car, cmon let's go."

Bradley got up and was completely fine and acted as though nothing happened. I'm glad Pete didn't see it because he would've been pissed, luckily he was outside.

* in the car *

"Jake, what the hell."

"ME what the hell? Beth, he was literally trying to fuck you then and there, I saw his eyes... and his hands."

"Ok, he was drunk out of his mind, I was walking away when you punched the shit outta him."

"So now you're defending him?" Jake scoffed, "what did he say to you while y'all were dancing?"

"He asked me why I am with you, told me I deserve better, you're an asshole, and I shouldn't be with you then said HE wants to get to know me. Thats when I pushed him away, the second time."

"Wow. What a dickhead. God I shouldn't have told you to dance with him... do you believe him? That you shouldn't be with me and all that?"

"Of course not." I took Jake's hand and kissed it. "I'm with you, not him. I love you and only you."

We sat in silence for a while but I started the car and began to drive. It was late, I should get us home.

*at his house*

"I'm really sorry for ruining the night." Jake sighed.

"You didn't ruin anything, sure you shouldn't have punched him. But I still had a fun night other than that... and hey, I won't lie to you..." I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "It was really hot."

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