Chapter 1: Hunter

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"Have u ever had something to say but u never really had the courage to say it? I know I have..well..that's practically half of my life. As u might be able to tell..I'm kinda shy..well..I take that back, I in fact am really shy. All of u might be confused on why I'm writing this blog,well I'm writing it because u guys are pretty much the only ones that will listen to what I have to say. However my name isn't really all that important. Since I'm not really one to "talk" why don't u call me 'The Quiet One.'

Day 1

" was the first day of high school..Yay?I really wasn't at all excited, I was more nervous actually, I had no idea what I was doing. Ever since I was 10 I've always been home schooled because of my "problem" so I was confused on what to do and where to go. No, seriously,I was literally standing in the hallway like an idiot clueless on where my first class was. When I heard the bell ring my legs started shaking nervously. I had absolutely no idea what to do. After a few minutes..I was alone..just standing in the hallway looking left to right while having the most confused face on that I could possibly make. Then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around and nobody was there. I turned back around and..."


"I screamed so loud that the hallway make a loud echo and the windows shook."

"Wow u were surprisingly really easy to scare, usually when I do that I get slapped in the face."
(*awkward silence*)
" As the awkward silence grew longer my eyes grew bigger. I was stunned and yet amused by this guy. He looked like he just crawled out of an Urban Outfitters catalog."

"Uhh..are u gonna say anything anytime soon?" He said with confusion in his eyes. "Not even a slap in the face?"

"........." I just stood there, not saying or muttering a single word.

"Guess not." Then he began to walk away.

" I wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. When I think about wanting to say something I feel like I already am..but I'm not."

" I eventually found my class after disrupting and walking into 5 other classes by I was walking into class I felt quite embarrassed because I was 15 minutes late to class..I'm surprised they didn't lock the door on me because I heard some classes do that."

"Ahh, I see miss Riley Fierro has decided to join our class." Mrs.Bacher said with disappointment and anger. "Why don't take your seat Miss Fierro."

"I looked at the class that had their eyes locked on me and some that were laughing, then I slowly looked to the right of the classroom and saw that jerk who scared me earlier with a half smile on his face."

"I didn't know the princess was gonna be in my class."
"Excuse me Hunter but this situation does not involve your comments." Said Mrs.Bacher.

"So that's the jerk's name..Hunter. After that weird comment I went to go sit down in the most uncomfortable, hard, plastic looking chair in the back."

"Anyways, care to explain why u are late Riley?"

"Once again I just sat there in silence with my legs shaking and my lip quivering with embarrassment."

"Miss Fierro are u not aware that I am speaking to u? I asked u a question and I would like an answer in return."

"........." I was once again silent with a scared/nervous face..I felt like I was going to pee my pants.

Mrs.Bacher sighed," It is the first day of school so I will let it slide just this once, but next time u will be sitting in 2 hours of detention, are we clear?"

" I nodded yes to get a move on and all the attention off of me so I could go on with my day."

"The final school bell was over...Finally...I sat by my locker waiting for my mom to get me. I was starting to think she forgot about me, but I didn't worry so I decided to rest my eyes."
"I started to hear footsteps and laughing so I took a peak at who it was and it was Hunter and his gothic looking friend."

"Dude, check her out. Hunter's friend said as he crouched down staring at me."Do u think she's sleeping?"
"Um.. I think so." Said Hunter whispering.

"I thought it was funny that they thought that I couldn't hear them. I didn't want to open my eyes because I wanted to see where this would go."

"Alright well I'm gonna go have a smoke outside, you coming?" Asked Hunter's friend while he stood up.
"Yeah,yeah I'll meet u out there in a sec."Hunter said while he continued to stare at me.

"It was pretty quite after a while so I had assumed he left so I opened my eyes..AND HE WAS STILL THERE."

"Gooood morning sleeping beauty."

"I jumped up and stood there in shock as he continued to smile and laugh at me."

"Haha..u get scared so easily..that's cute."

"As my eyes were still wide in shock I could feel myself blushing..I was just hoping my face wasn't getting too red."

"Woah..your face is getting really,really red."

"I spoke too soon..."

"Ok, now your turning into a tomato..are u feeling ok?"

I nodded yes but my hands were still shaking. I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way..I was practically sweating, shaking, and my face was turning bright red. What was happening to me?


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