Chapter 8 Just say yes!

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"Hello my fellow readers! Miss me? Well I've got some good stuff to share with all started yesterday morning."

"Today was the day Riles. Make it count, make it count. Don't screw anything up." I chanted to myself in the mirror.

"You you won't screw anything up, that's for sure." Said a voice from behind me.

"The next thing I knew that voice had hands that wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. I could hear the breathing of the voice as it began to get closer to my ear. Then the voice spoke again and said..'every second of each moment will count, princess' said the voice. The word 'princess' was my clue to who it was. I looked up in the mirror and saw Hunter looking at me with a smile on his face while holding my waist."

"Oh will it now?" I replied holding one of his arms, looking at him while stoking one of his cheeks with my fingertips.

"I promise you. Every second will count." Hunter declared.

"Yay!" I answered with a faint, soft voice as I began to feel Hunter let go of me.

"Why does he always do that?! He gets me in the moment then he ruins it by letting go of me. I wish he wouldn't do that because every time he holds onto me..I expect like..a kiss, yeah, a kiss would be nice."

"Uh.." Hunter paused, "Hale and Corienna made breakfast downstairs if you're hungry."

"CORIENNA made breakfast, and she knows I would eat it. Who's to say she poisoned the food."

"Yeah, no thank you. I'd rather say alive." I replied crossing my arms looking down.

"She didn't poison the food, princess. Why don't you just come eat with my and I'll make sure there's no 'poison' in your food." Hunter suggested mocking me.

"Haha very funny, jerk..but no thanks. I'm not that hungry anyway." I said giving him a small grin.

"Alright drama queen, I'll be downstairs EATING, if you change your mind."

"That's very unlikely. And I thought I was a princess..?" I said messing with him.

"You're both in my world." He answers ending the conversation by winking then walking out the door.

"Isn't he the cutest? 'You're both in my world'.. That's so sweet!! Anyway, moving on..I went down into the basement to go hang with Jasper a little bit. While I was walking downs stairs I heard more that one voice. Then I started to question Jasper."

"Uhm...Jasp? You down here?" I asked taking a peak further into the basement."

"Yeah come on down, play some video games and have a couple of drinks with us." Jasper answered.

"Us? Hmm...I walked further down the basement and say 2 other guys there. Great. More people I had to meet."

"Umm..hey guys." I said with a nervous/not wanting to meet people smile.

"Riley this is Hayden and Oliver. They're part of the team as well." Jasper explain pulling me over to him so I could shake their hands.

"Hayden looked like the friendly/funny and flirty type of guy..and Oliver..well..he looked like he was somewhat emo...which I don't mind."

"Hi.. I'm Riley but you can call me Rowdy if you want." I said shaking their hands.

"I'm Hayden, nice to meet you gorgeous."

"And I'm Oliver. Don't mind him..he does that to everyone meaning girls."

"I think I'd rather hang with Oliver more than Hayden surprisingly."

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