Chapter 2: Thanks a lot Max

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"So why are you still at school, princess?"

"UGH! I hate how he keeps asking me questions when he probably knows I'm not going to answer them! Wait..But I want him to keep asking me questions because at least he's talking to me and I love staring into his beautiful, green, mesmerizing eyes.Wow I'm even confusing myself..huh."


"Why don't you talk to me?..Is it because I scared you all those times?"

I nodded no to give him some kind of answer at least, but I also was wondering why he cared so much..I mean you gotta admit.. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that cares.

"Oh..well I'm sorry. I'll try not to scare you all the time, but no promises,ok?"

"I smiled and it seemed like he understood..then he started to smile too then I just couldn't keep my eyes off of him, it felt almost as if he was hypnotizing me..I liked that feeling."

"So..would you like me to give you a ride home because it doesn't look like you have a car."

"Once again I nodded yes and he walked me outside. When we got to the parking lot I couldn't believe what I saw..I saw a black Lamborghini aventador!! To be completely honest I expected to be taken home in like an old truck or something, but you know, a Lamborghini is nice too."

"You think you'll maybe want to get in the car today?" He said with a smile on his face.

"When I sat down in the car, I was unbelievably stiff..I mean I didn't want to like mess up anything in the car. On our way to my house there was a soothing yet odd kind of silence but I didn't really pay attention to it, I just sat there smiling like a freak the whole way. I kinda expected something surprisingly romantic to happen, like his hand could reach for something and it would accidentally touch mine, but we all know that didn't happen and I don't think ever will? I don't know yet..we shall see."

"We arrived at my house and he walked me to my door.."

"It was pretty nice talking to you and driving you home, and I hope we can talk some more next time or..something."

"He scratched the back of his head as if he was..anxious or wasn't sure about what he just said. I didn't really pay much attention to what he said, I was kinda busy staring into his eyes."

"Um..Riley? You ok there?"

"I shook my head and jumped back into reality for a second."

"You kinda dozed off for a second. Anyways, I should get going but I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"I nodded yes with a giant smile on my face. He actually wanted to talk to me again tomorrow. I was beyond happy that I actually found someone who actually understands me and doesn't force me to talk..I think I might like this guy and no not in that way, I want us to be friends first."

"So I'll see you later Riley."

"Oh no, more of that awkward silence. It was making want to kiss him even more than I already did. I was starting to lean and I couldn't stop myself, but he did instead."

"Uhm..*clears throat*..u should probably head inside's getting pretty cold."

"Damn it! What did I do? Did I do something wrong? Was I moving too fast? Oh great now he hates me. My only friend already hates me..good going Riley!"

"I put my head down in disappointment and my smile turned into a frown as I was getting mad at myself. Then I felt a warm hand stroke against my cheek, he pulled my head up and said.."

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