Chapter 4: Secrets

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"He then walked away with his head down in sadness. I could tell he was hesitating to turn around, but I sure wish he did. I was curious at why he kept his head down the whole time. He never even looked at me once. I was ready to burst out in tears, and my stomach aced so bad as if I had just been stabbed a million times..he was my only friend, w-who really cared about me..or at least I thought he did..I couldn't understand why he didn't want to be friends anymore. I would ask, but if I did I'm sure he would just lie to me or wouldn't say anything at all. Now I was even more determined to find out what he was keeping from me, so when we got back to the school, I was trying to find one of his friends to see if they even knew anything that I didn't. I found that one gothic looking friend of his. I didn't want to look for anyone else because it seemed like Hunter hung out with him more than any other one of his friends."

"H-Hey you!" I shouted trying to get Hunter's friend's attention."

"He turned around in curiosity then turned back ignoring me and began to walk faster...what the heck?! Why was he suddenly ignoring me too?"

"Hey wait! I'm t-talking to you!" I said while running towards him.

"I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around and..I couldn't believe what I saw. I was almost scared to even be around him now. He gave me the most devilish look that I've ever seen. I also noticed he had a black eye and a cut lip,hence the reason why I was pretty scared."

"W-What...h-happened to you?"

"That's none of your business." He said as he began to turn back around, "So leave me alone."

"He started walking away, then stopped and turned back around and said.."

"I suggest you leave Hunter alone too." He said with the same devilish look on his face.

"Now I was even more concerned about what was going on, but he wasn't finished. I heard a faint whisper underneath his breath."

"Before you get hurt too..."

"What could he have possibly meant by that..Hunter could never hurt me at least I don't think he will. Since gothic boy was no help, I had another person in mind that I thought might give me some answers."
At the park..

"After school I called my mom and told her that I had to stay at school to work on a project that I didn't have supplies for. When the phone call ended, I began walking to the park to find Hunter's cousin, Jullian. I figured he might know some things since he was related to him...I waited on a bench to see if anyone would show up, but no one did, so I got up and started looking around to see if he was 'hiding.' I looked behind the bathrooms and what do ya know, he was there..smoking. Classy."

"Hey J-Jullian?" I stuttered as I began to feel somewhat nervous.

"Oh're that one girl from yesterday right?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah.. I am." I answered.

"I never caught your name, cutie."

"Cutie? Was this guy seriously trying to flirt with me right now?"

"I-It's Riley..Riley Fierro." I said..shaking.

"Nice suits you..." He complimented, "You seem pretty tense, want one?"

"Was he really offering me a smoke? Like do I look like that type of person??"

" thanks, I don't do that type of stuff." I said rejecting his offer.

"Ehh that's too bad." He said with his eyebrow raised. "So what can I do for you, sweetheart?"

"W-Well I have a couple of questions about y-your cousin H-Hunter, for you that I'm h-hoping you could answer." I said nervously.

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