Chapter 5: Welcome to the team

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"STOP! Don't move a single muscle."

"Oh no, what was I supposed to do, I wanted to see who it was, but if I turn around I could get in serious trouble..or worse, get my head blown off. I know I was trying to avoid both of those things, but I just HAD to see who is was, so I took a slight turn to look behind."

"I'm warning you not to move." Said the unknown voice.

"I couldn't take it. I was curious at who it was..maybe it was a cop or something. Only one way to find out. I turned around, took a quick glance at who it was, fell down to the ground holding my arms above my head clenching my fists, ready to take any pain."

"R-Riley?" The unknown voice stuttered.

"How could this person POSSIBLY know my name? I looked up with only my eyes, not moving anything else. It was.."

"MAX?!" I shouted with relief but with anger as well because of how much she had scared me.

"It was Max..with a gun in her hand! How could someone point a gun at their own cousin!"

"W-what are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here, Riley!" Max shouted with lots of anger written all over her face as if she was serious.

"Oh, and you should? Why are you even here?" I questioned.

"Max didn't say a word after my question, she just stood there silently;probably coming up with an excuse or a lie; then she spoke."

"Look Riley, this is none of your concern. Just hurry up and get out of here, and I suggest you don't come back." Max said with a sad look on her face.

"Why? What are you hi--."
"I couldn't finish my sentence because I was cut off by another voice coming from behind the house."


"ALRIGHT ALREADY! IM COMING!!" Max replied while rolling her eyes. She looked back at me and said. "Ri, don't you dare tell anybody about this, I'm serious! Or I'm forced to use this."

"Was my own cousin threatening to kill me, with a gun, if I told anyone? I am beyond terrified, it's like Max is a whole different kind of person over here. The Max back at home would NEVER say that to me."

"I-I promise..I won't tell anyone." I promised as my eyes were holding in the tears.

Max sighs. "Good..I'll uh..see you later." She said as she was beginning to run away. "I've got stuff to take ca--."
"Max couldn't finish what she was saying because while she was getting ready to run away she bumped into a girl with red hair and dark,black make-up all around her eyes."

"Max, what's taking you so long? And who is this noob?" The girl said while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Noob? Really? We barely even know each other and she's already calling me lame names. What a B I T C H. Lord, please excuse my harsh language."

"Corienna! H-hi..didn't see ya there. Uh this is just my cousin Rrrrrrrr." Max said as she was trying to find a name for me. "Rrrrr-ROWDY, yeah, this is my cousin Rowdy."

"What kind of a name is Rowdy. That sounds like a name you would give to a dog. Thanks for the amazing name, Max."

"Hmm. Rowdy..nice name." Corienna said.. Actually complimenting me. "Max, I'm gonna pull you to the side for a second."

"I was actually going to say bye to--." Max was cut off.

"I don't remember me asking you." Corienna said with a blank face with one eyebrow raised. She pulled Max to the side, harshly clenching onto her arm.
"Corienna must've been grabbing into Max's arm pretty hard because I started to see that part of her arm turn red."
Corienna and Max's conversation

"Why is she here, Max?! We can't trust her, and I don't care if she's your cousin or not, we need to kill her before she tells anyone about us." Corienna demanded.

"She's not gonna tell anyone. Besides she already promised." Max reassured.

"I don't care if you two fucking pinkie swear a million times, it's either we kill her or we make her one of us and she can't go back to her family. She will live here just like the rest of us. Take your pick." Corienna said with a serious look on her face;meaning every word that she said.

"I guess we have a newbie to welcome onto our team." Max said with an unsure,sad look on her face.

"Good choice." Corienna said with a devilish smile.
"Max and Corienna took a pretty long time. I wonder how important their conversation was if Corienna had to pull Max to the side. They were finally done talking about..whatever, and walked back towards me. Max looked pretty sad and Corienna looked happy...that's unusual..Max is usually NEVER sad."

"Rowdy, Max has very exciting news for you." Said Corienna with a smirk on her face.

"What is it, Max?" I curiously asked nervously.


"It looked like Max was sweating because her foundation began to wear off. It was almost like she didn't want to look a me. Was she nervous about what my reaction might be when she tells me? I guess we'll find out."

"Uhh..Ri--I mean Rowdy..uhh." Max said hesitating to say anymore.

Corienna rolled her eyes. "OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!! Just tell her already!! Or I will!" Corienna screamed as her face started to turn red with anger.

"O-ok..then why you tell her." Max suggested.

"My hands became slightly sweaty and my legs began to shake..just say it already!!"
"Welcome to the team." Corienna finished.

"Huh? What? Who? Me? Now?!" I asked with a confused but excited look in my eyes.

"Mhm." Corienna said with a not so excited look in her eyes.

"Me? A part of a mafia? I couldn't see myself being a part of anything like that..ever, but it actually sounds fun."

"Cool!! So when do I get all the hardcore weapons like yours? I asked in excitement.

"Woah! Slow your role sweet cheeks. Before you can get weapons like ours, you have to become like us, and go through the same training we did. But first, maybe we should work on that style of yours because, if I'm gonna live with you, I don't want to be staring at kitten sweaters and flowers all the time." Corienna said with a somewhat disgusted look on her pale white face.

"Why? I thought these were pretty cool shirts." I said with a sad face.

"They weren't even when you were 5." Max commented.

"Yeah this is going to be much harder that I thought it would be." Corienna said as she began to sigh afterwards.

"Be honest with me guys, are kitten sweaters and flower shirts lame? I'm not even sure anymore, but anyway, I was surprisingly excited for a makeover, and I'm not one for makeovers. A few hours later, yeah, hours. It's sad that it takes that long to change my whole style. As I was saying, a few hours later they were finished with me. I was nervous to see what I looked like in the mirror because I wasn't sure if I would like it or not. Well, here goes nothing.

"Rowdy, say hello to the new you."

"I looked in the clear but broken body mirror and I had no idea who I was looking at..was I looking at me or somebody else? She was wearing these skin tight, black ripped jeans,leather boots that made her look 7 inches taller,a red t-shirt that was cut perfectly showing half of her stomach,red highlights that lit up the tips of her long, dirty blonde hair,and dark makeup along with foundation covering her whole face. Who was this girl I was seeing? I didn't know if whether I should like her or not, but I think I'm willing to give Rowdy a chance."

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