Chapter 7 He likes me :)

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"Hello world! Time to continue with my last blog post. Now..where did I leave off? Oh! Right..focusing on Rowdy more than Riley. Before I could go any further into the transformation, I had to find some way to tell my mom, even though she would be heartbroken. I woke up in someone's bed in Hunter's house. I guess I fell asleep last night here. I got up and walked outside to my moms car so I could go tell her, but there was a little surprise waiting for me by the car."

"I thought I told you it was best not to come back Ri."

"I looked up to see Hunter leaning up against the car with his hands in his pockets."

"I..I'm sorry Hunter...I--." Hunter cut me off.

"Save it." Hunter said walking towards me, then he pulled me close and said. "I guess you just can't stay away from me, huh?"

"N-no.. I..I guess I can't." I replied.

"Shouldn't have told you to stay away in the first place. I knew you were going to come back." He admitted.

"T-then why did you tell me to leave when y-you knew I was just going to come back?" I asked.

"I only want to protect you and I don't want you to get all caught up in something like this. It's not good."

"Then w-why are you part of this?" I asked Hunter.

"Because I care about my mom, the only reason my dad wants to kill her is for her money..and..I can't let him do that. I know my parents divorce was because of my mom but she didn't abuse me when I was younger, so..sadly, I care more about my mom that I do my dad. I just don't want you getting yourself killed because it's dangerous..and I.." He gave a small pause, looked down, rubbed his eyes then looked back up at me and confessed. "I couldn't bare to lose someone that I genuinely, truly care about."

" It just all came out of him, how he really felt about me. How he was so protective over me..I guess that explains why he got so angry and got into a fight with those guys at school for me. Who would've thought that a guy like Hunter, who I thought was a complete asshole when I met him, had feelings."

"H-Hunter..I--." Before I could finished, he had is hands wrapped tightly around my waste, grasping my hips, and pulling me closer to him.

"I didn't want to finish what I was about to say because it looked like he was about to say something.. And I'd rather hear what he has to say before I could say anything."

"I like you Riley Fierro. I admit it, I do. There's just something about you that amazes me, that makes me not want to let go of you once I have you in my arms. I couldn't help but be protective over you the day we met. There's something about you that makes you unlike all the other girls in this world, that's what makes you so special to me in my eyes."

"Is it weird that I wanted to cry? I mean something as beautifully said had to had some tears into it.. Don't you guys think? As much as I wanted to, I didn't. Nobody in this world has ever said anything to me like that before in my life, and I thought no one ever would but..things change...and I liked this kind of change."

"So.. With that being said, would you want to go on a real date with me tomorrow night, Miss Fierro?"

"I-it would be my honor, Mr. Martinez." I said smiling with my red face getting brighter.

"Awesome!" He said smiling his cute half smile.

" I should probably get going n-now." I replied letting my hands loosing, slowly letting go of him.

"Where are you going, princess?" Hunter questioned grabbing my arm not wanting me to leave.

"I-I have to go to my moms house and tell her what's going on..s-she's probably worried about me by now."

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