Chapter 6: Becoming Rowdy

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"So,Rowdy, how you liking the new you,huh?" Corienna asked.

"It's going to take something to get used to, but I think I like it." I replied unsurely looking down at myself.

"Well good, we just have 1 more thing to add onto you." Corienna said smiling a devilish smile.

"And what is that?" I questioned while slowly stepping away.

"It's just eyeliner..chill." Max said looking at me like I was wimpiest person on earth.

"While Max was putting on my eyeliner, I was looking at Corienna that whole time because I could tell she was maybe somewhat jealous of me. Ok maybe not jealous,but maybe she was angry, although, I didn't do anything to make her angry with me. Hmm..maybe I should just leave it alone. After all, I didn't want to give her another reason to be 'mad' at me."

"Alright I'm done." Max said pulling the liquid eyeliner away from my eyes. "See now you look even more amazing. That eyeliner really makes your light blue eyes pop. Don't you think so, Corienna?"

"Yeah..sure." Corienna said while rolling her eyes and not even looking at me. "Let's just go introduce her to Hale, we can introduce her to the others when they get back."

"Who's Hale?" I asked as Max walked me outside the back door.

"You'll see. I think you'll like her. She was like you when we first found her for our team." Max replied.

"Oh ok." *thinking* 'she should be nice then.'

"As all three of us walked outside, I saw a girl with black hair and green highlights with piercings above and below her lips, throwing knifes at a target on a piece of wood, not missing a single bullseye on each target. I'm guessing that was Hale. I took a quick look at what she was wearing. She was wearing a black tube top tucked into her black and gray skirt with chains all around it, fishnet leggings that had huge holes as if she cut them herself, black and white converse that go all the way up to her knees, 3 silver necklaces, and black eyeliner all around her green eyes. Why couldn't I wear something like that?"

"Rowdy meet Hale, Hale meet Rowdy." Max said introducing Hale and I to each other.

"It's nice to meet you Rowdy. Love the hair." Hale complimented.

"I guess Max was right about Hale, she is kinda like me. Personality wise."

"Thanks, I like yours too." I complimented back.

"Alright, now that you two have met, let's start training you, Rowdy." Corienna suggested.

"Wait, aren't there more people that are a part of a guy named Hunter by any chance?" I curiously asked.

"How did you know that?" Corienna asked with a confused look in here eye.

"Because I know him. We are friends, or were friends actually, we go to the same school." I explained.

"That explains it." Corienna said while crossing her arms.

"They're at the shooting rang not too far from here." Max explained.

"Oh ok, I guess I'll meet them later." I said looking pretty sad.

"Well, enough chatter about the boys, let's go get you dressed for training." Hale said while pushing me back into the house.

"Why can't I just wear this?" I asked.

"You ask too many questions newbie." Hale said while giving a small chuckle.

"I know that Corienna and Max changed my WHOLE wardrobe, but maybe something without showing too much skin would've been nice too."

"Here, go ahead and change into that and meet us outside back in the backyard." Hale said as she walked out of the room, closing the door.

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