Chapter 10: If There Really is Someone I Know

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Thank you Katjade64 For the plot of the next 3 chapters!!! :) (You'll see why I extended it)

Chelsea's POV

The city is full of so many interesting people. Like that clerk with that rose in her hair.
Not that she is that guard. It's just that she is, well, the exact match.
Walking out of the store, I saw so many taxis. Funny thing, how they still call-in them that even though they're not even cars anymore.
They're purple platforms about four feet by four feet. They're made of carbon fiber with a titanium cover. They also have these little tiny gelatin hooks on them that strange together and form a bubble around the people on the platform when money is inserted through the slot at the front of the platform. Then, you just tell it where you want to go and out takes you there.
That's exactly what I did.
Being in a levitating zoo cage for two years, I still know how it works.
The world hadn't changed much since the officials decided to seclude me from the world after discussing my case. Other than the commercials about the iPhone 66g coming out. Drop it, comes right back up. Great for athletes.
And sneaky thieves, I thought.
I find myself wanting to change my route, to go someplace else. I don't know exactly why, I just do.
I find myself wanting to see him.
When it should be the opposite way.
"Taxi, change location to Plump Plum Cupcake Bakery."

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