The past

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"Gale." I say not knowing where else to start.

This is just as hard as I anticipated.

"He's called Gale and I never thought I would see him again." I continue, my voice still a bit shaky.

Peeta is the first person I am telling this too.

Of course my parents know most of it, but they don't know everything.

"It's okay, just take your time." Peeta says rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand that is still placed inside his.

"We met when I was like 12 and he was about 14. Everything we great while we were younger but as we got older, he changed." I say feeling a lot more calm than I was at the start.

"It started when another guy I was friends with, he asked me out for some dance in year 9. I was 14 and Gale was 16." Peeta looks at me encouraging me to continue.

"Of course Gale got really angry and pushed my friend to the floor but he wouldn't stop. It got to the point where Tyler, that was his name. Gale knocked him out." I say looking at Peetas shocked expression.

"From there it went even father downhill, Gale forced me to go out with him. He threatened to hurt my family if I didn't and we hunted together. He had a bow and arrow Peeta, he would've hurt them all." I say, a few more tears fall.

"It was like I had no control, I had to do what he said, I was only allowed to talk to certain people and if he ever saw me taking to a boy, it was me that got it." I say showing him a few faint bruises on the tops of my arms from here he grabbed me.

"He hurt you?" Peeta questions angrily.

"A few times." I tell him honestly.

"Listen, I'm going to ask you something now and I would like you to tell me the truth." Peeta says sternly looking straight into my eyes.

"Did he ever rape you?" Peeta questions and I shake my head no before speaking.

"He tried, my mom came home before he got the chance and he said if I ever told anyone, Prim would be the first to get it and I'd have to watch." I say completely breaking down in front of him.

"After though, he went to school and told everyone that I threw myself at him and everyone called me a slut. The headteacher found out and he got expelled and I haven't seen him since. Until today." I let him know.

"It turns out that he didn't even like me from the start. His friends convinced him for a dare to go out with me but since I didn't want too, I was forced so that he could get money off his friends depending on what convinced me to do." I explain. Thankful to have it all out and into the open.

Within seconds, Peetas arms are locked safely around me and he's whispering soothing words in my ear trying everything he can to calm me down.

"I'm so sorry Katniss, I'm so sorry. I can't believe you had to go through this." Peeta says, pain and concern in his voice.

"Does anyone else know? Your mom, dad?" Peeta asks, still never letting go of me.

"They know some things, others I have kept to myself." I tell him truthfully.

"I will never let him hurt you again, while I'm here, he's not going to hurt you or your family. I'm going to make sure of it!" Peeta states and I move my head back so I can see him better.

"Peeta you don't know what he's like, he'll hurt you. I can't loose you. I just can't." I say on the verge of breaking down into tears all over again.

"You aren't going to loose me. I promise. He has to pay for what he's done. No one should ever have to go through that." Peeta says kissing the top of my head.

"What are we going to do? He's back. He came to my new school. It's like he knew I was here." Peeta looks at me.

"He's not going to be here for long, he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near you after what he's done, he needs locking up." Peeta says comforting me.

"Your going to be okay Katniss, I'm going to look after you."

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