When's The End?

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"Katniss, you ready to go?" Peeta questions from the bottom of the stairs as i make my way down to him.

Annie and Finnick have not long left with Johanna after they came to help up with the mess that everyone made last night.

It looks almost the same as it did two days ago apart from maybe a quick hoover and a few dishes need cleaning but its good enough for now.

"Yeah." I smile at him which he returns with ease.

Peeta decided that he was going to take me out for lunch to not only help me get some fresh air but to get some things off of my mind.

I told him that i was completely fine but of course Peeta can see straight through me.

He also insists its an early birthday dinner since tomorrow is my official birthday and the day my parents come home.

"Lets go. I'l drive." Peeta says as i throw my car keys to him. He easily catches them before i lock the house door with another key and we climb into my car.

I turn on the radio as Peeta turns out of my driveway and we make our way into town.

"I'm still sorry that your party didn't go to plan so i'm going to make it up to you by buying you lunch." Peeta grins as his hand rests sweetly on top of mine.

"You know you don't need to do that right? It wasn't your fault." I tell him honestly.

Peeta nods but he still doesn't back down.

"I know but still. Just let me do this for you and tomorrow at school you will get your present." Peeta says and just as i'm about to say something he speaks again.

"And don't you dare protest against this. Your my girlfriend so yes i bought you a present. Even if you were just my friend i would have still bought you something." He finally finishes.

"Thank you. Your the best boyfriend i could've even had." I say truthfully but i'm not prepared for what he says next.

"Hopefully i'l be your last boyfriend." Peeta says looking at me for a moment as he says this before turning his eyes back to the road.

I'm speechless for a while.

Here's Peeta Mellark. The sweetest person ever saying that he wants to be with me. Maybe forever.

"You really mean that?" I wonder as we pull into a parking lot.

"I really mean that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we are young now but i do honestly mean that." Peeta says turning to face me again.

"Your special. I've never met anyone like you. Your so beautiful and smart and i don't ever want to have to let you go. Your my whole life now." Peeta continues and i swear that my heart is beating so fast that it might even pop.

I cant even begin to explain how happy Peeta is making me feel right now so instead i take his chin lightly in my hands and connect our lips together.

This was going to be my time saver to help me come up with something but i'm so lost in the kiss that i cant even think.

We pull away to breath and i look deeply into his eyes.

Something else i cant help but get lost in.

"I want to be with you forever too." I finally say.

Within seconds Peeta's eyes light up and hes grinning from ear to ear and i find myself doing the same.

He kisses me again and it feels like we are the only two people in the world and right now i couldn't be more happier.

All bad thoughts leave my mind and Peeta takes my hand, leading me out of the car.

We make our way to the restaurant hand in hand before someone stops us in our tracks.

"Fancy seeing you two losers here." Gale shouts over to us making my whole body tense.

Is this ever going to end? Its constantly a on going nightmare.

"Peeta." I whisper afraid of what hes going to do.

My nightmare returns in my mind replaying over and over again.

"Stay calm. I'm not going to let him hurt you. Just keep walking." Peeta says and i nod as he wraps his arm around me pulling me safely into his side.

"You should never have touched me baker boy. Just watch your back the pair of you. I'm going to get you." He shouts and my eyes widen in fear.

Peeta pulls me into the restaurant and takes me straight to the back where no one else in there.

Gladly Gale doesn't follow us inside but by his hurtful words, i know this certainly isn't the end. Not by a long shot.

"Its not going to end." I say feeling the tears form in my eyes.

Peeta pulls me into his chest and he softly rubs my back.

None of us know what to say and although i wish Peeta would say something, I cant blame him for not been able to.

Gale is after us.

All i can think about is when his next move is going to be and what hes going to do.

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