Do I Wanna Know?

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Highland was...odd. It was totally different than any of The Beatles would have expected. When you think of a mental health hospital, you think of neglect, people rocking back and fourth in corners, some man drooling or some woman chasing an imaginary butterfly. But no, the environment in Highland was calm. There were a few patients here and there in the sort of living room of the hospital. But really nothing seemed majorly wrong with them. A few were crying to other patients or staff members, some were laughing, some were drawing or reading. It was actually really nice.

George had been admitted on the second floor of the hospital. Paul, John, Ringo and Brian (who Paul had found in the hospital gift shop searching for something to buy George) were on the first floor. They weren't allowed beyond the first floor since the second and third one had all the patients. So the four of them sat in a waiting area, Brian yet again filling out more papers.

An hour after filling out yet another pile of paper work, a silver haired man with oddly tanned skin for anyone from England reached out a hand to Brian. "Brian, I'm Doctor Graves. I'll be the one who gets George through his thearpy and also I'll be keeping up with his medication. If you and the other three would come with me so we can talk more privatley."

After shaking the other three lads hands, Doctor Graves lead the four into a room a few doors down that said, "Confrence Room" the room smelled strongly of cleaning chemicals. It was white, very white. And bright. There were a few posters on the walls of different medications and posters of the brain and nervous system. To some it may come across as odd.

"Please, sit down." Doctor Graves told the four, "And you're also welcome to call me Rupert." Brian nodded, "Well, Doc, or, Rupert, what can you tell us about George?" Rupert cleared his throat and began to speak. "Well, George is asleep right now. He actually said he wanted to get to bed as soon as he got here. Doctor Watson told me he was screaming and crying earlier over what was described to be a hallucination."

They all nodded. "Right, well we reviewed over George's medication and gave him a sleeping pill, a mild on, mind you, so he would be more relxaed while we took some blood work. As you can imagine there's a ton of people here who cry at the near sight of a needle. We got the results back and is blood count is alright. Still showing signs of getting of anemia which I'm sure you all knew about?" They had all actually forgotten George used to be anemic.

"All right. Well George is indeed having schizophrenic related problems, but I don't want to say he's yet schizophrenic. The medication he is on is in fact for hallucinations, but not anything else schizophrenia related. Schizophrenia is whole other ball game. I can give all of you some information guides on schizophrenia but I'm not sure if that's what he has yet. Could be high anxiety, could be a seizer disorder or could be a tumor. Doctor Watson of corse would have no knowledge of any kind of mental health like we have here. But we can defiantly help, George. It's our goal to help him as much as we can. We are going to let him rest for the night and tomorrow morning we will do an MRI. Doctor Watson didn't want to do it because he wasn't so sure what it could be and how George would react. But here it'll be much easier."

The four nodded and looked satisfied with what Rupert was saying. Except Ringo.

"You don't have him roomed with some weirdo, do you?" Ringo realized what he said and quickly shut up. "Richard, is it?" Ringo nodded. "Right, don't say things like that here please. It's not kind. They're not, "weirdos" they're patients just like George. And no. Since he's hallucinating so bad, we are keeping him in ward C. A ward made for those who are homicidal, suicidal or can set triggers off to others. If he came here for rehab, depression or grief counseling, he's have to share. But more severe patients room alone."

Ringo was embarrassed at what he said and made a mental note to apologize to the doctor before leaving. The Doctor seemed to shrug it off and said, "Now, I'll get you all those pamphlets to take home on what we think George may have. One for a seizer disorder, schizophrenia and severe anxiety. Take these home and read them. You can come back tomorrow around 12 but there's a slim chance you'll get to see George. Visiting hours are from 12 to 2 and during that time I'm scheduled to talk to George and start his first therapy session. But if he requests one of you to come, I will call you and ask if you can. It can be hard, the first session."

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