I'm A Monster

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They ran. They ran down the stairs, they ran to take showers and clean themselves up. They ran to Paul's car. Out of Paul's car and ran inside Highland. It almost looked like A Hard Days Night with out the fangirls with all the running they were doing.

Doctor Graves allowed them to go past visiting hours to see George. And they weren't going to waste the time.

Out of breath, John told a nurse at the front desk that Doctor Graves called and said George was available to see. She took them to the conference room where Doctor Graves and two other strangers sat at the end of the long table. "Hello." Doctor Graves greeted. "Have a seat, lads. I got a few people I want you to meet."

They went to their seats and hurriedly sat down; John not wasting a second, said, "Well?" before he even sat. "Is he okay?" Paul asked. Doctor Graves didn't smile nor did he frown. "George has made progress. We changed his medications, instead of Abilify he's on Trazadone, his first night and sedated him so we could do an MRI and EEG. Since this is newer technology, we haven't had much progress, but with the EEG there was signs of over active brain waves, which is what schizophrenia is believed to be. An over active brain. So, we took time to talk to him. I myself did and as well as a few other doctors here and as well as an experienced therapist. Her name in Janice Parker and she's worked with adolescents to seniors. I will introduce you to her soon."

They nodded.

"We called the numbers of the pharmacies that were on George's previous pills. Turns out they were stolen and he was getting them from some dealer. Those pills are sent to a toxicology lab and we should have results of what's in them in a few days." "Why are they sent to a lab? Are they dangerous?" "We're not sure, Mr. Lennon. That's why they're being sent away."

The room fell silent.

"Well how has he been acting?" "It's an odd case actually. George is quite normal when talking to him but he still carries schizophrenic tendencies. Like you have told me, he does act a bit off sometimes. And he says he can hear people talking to him a lot. But other than that, he seems okay. But when he has episodes like we saw that's another story. He hasn't has any episodes since. But I need to settle an agreement with you three."

They nodded.

"All of George's doctor's sat down for a meeting yesterday evening. And we are planning on releasing him into your care. But, on one condition. The hospital has a rule for psychosis patients and that is if we release one, we must make sure there are at least three caregivers that will stay with the patient day and night and that at least one will volunteer to take a mental health education class in case of an emergency."

"Who would be teaching the class?" John asked. "Janice Parker. George's therapist. She holds classes every Thursday evening at 5 here in this room to families and friends that have to watch their loved ones go through this. She is very helpful and also there are people who have recovered from their illnesses that will come in and talk to patients. A lot of patients have found that to be helpful and relieving."

The room again fell silent as the three took in the information. After a moment, Ringo softly spoke, "I'll go to the meetings...I mean unless you two want to go?" Both Paul and John nodded their heads, "no". Ringo sighed. "Well okay then. It's settled. George is gonna be watched like a hawk for a while I guess."

Doctor Graves nodded. "Now, would you guys like to see George?"


Doctor Graves opened up a door labeled, "Visiting Room" where a few patients sat in plastic chairs or at white tables with their families and friends. And one man sat alone in the corner of the room watching all the reunions around him with a sad expression on his face.

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