Important A/N Orlando

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Hey guys. So I'm assuming all of you now know about what happened in Orlando now? I just want to say, as being an American citizen & a part of the LGBTQ community it fucking sickens me. And I'm not sure I have any readers from Florida/Orlando, but if I do, guys stay safe alright?

And for those of you out of country, I just want to tell you something. America is becoming a terrible place full of terrible people and really, America doesn't seem free anymore. After these shootings conservatives/republicans have been posting online that these people DESERVE to die just because of their sexuality. And they're GLAD it wasn't straight, white American's that were attacked for once. We as a country know NOTHING about sticking together anymore. And in these acts of terror something has gotta give. We're not united anymore. We're bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, racist and sexist. It's not the land of the free anymore, it's a land of hate.

This post goes out to the LGBTQ readers I have on this story. And really, I'm at a loss for words. But all I can tell you guys is I will fight to my last days for our rights as human beings. And this shooting will not make me shake with fear, but with anger, passion and grief over the loss of those people who died. We will not stay silent, we will not be discouraged and we will hold our rainbow flags up as high as we can.

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