Authors Note

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Hello everyone, it's Layla. I have some wonderful news. I just started back into school 2 weeks ago (I'm a Freshmen) and I'm now off Home Bound Instruction for the mentally ill. I was put on a downer pill & an anti-psychotic as well as a pill for my diabetes which I recently found out I had.

I started the anti-psychotic on the 22nd of last month, the first day I started school. And I noticed a big change within a few days. I'm happy, constantly. I actually pay attention in class, I enjoy going to school and being back with my three best friends.

So life has took a dramatic turn for me and I feel like I should put this story to an end. I feel like this was a dark part of my life I was going through that should be forgotten. However...

Foe those who are struggling with psychosis, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, paranoia, etc. I will being to resume this story for them; not for my self. This part of my life to me is long over and I'm looking at bigger and brighter things. But this story, I will continue for those who struggle and those who find comfort in it as I know many readers from their comments have.

Again, I want to say thank you all so, so much for all the support you've given me. If you want to talk to me on Wattpad, you're more than welcome to. You can add me on Facebook @ Layla Wynette Scott or message me & I can give you my cell if you would like to call/text me.

Thank you guys so much. Keep fighting, be strong & we can fight mental illness together.

-Layla Scott

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